Home Fitness How to Get Fit, Lean Efficiently, According to Ex-Military Trainer

How to Get Fit, Lean Efficiently, According to Ex-Military Trainer

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Military-style training can create a strong and healthy body, says former military trainer Marc Lauren.
  • Lauren says when she trained in the military decades ago, she was forced to exercise until she passed out.
  • But he’s realized that less is more, telling Insider that he can get in shape in just nine minutes a day.

Military-style survival training can transform your body and keep you fit for life, according to a former US Special Operations Forces trainer.

“Training the movements that are most important for survival will help you get your best body,” Mark Lauren told Insider.

Lauren joined the U.S. Air Force, underwent rigorous training, then joined the special operations community in the 90’s, eventually becoming a physical trainer for nearly 1,000 elite special operations warriors. shields, Rangers, Green Berets, Force Reconnaissance Teams, and Air Force Special Forces around 9/11. His job was to train recruits to be ready for anything.

Lauren still holds the U.S. military record for the longest underwater swim to faint in water (133 meters (436 feet), which took 2 minutes and 23 seconds).

But Lauren realized that long, hard workouts don’t always lead to better results, as they lead to inefficient use of energy, longer recovery times, and increased risk of injury and burnout. This led Lauren to develop her own. body weight program for his squadron.

“In the military, it’s about general preparation,” he told the insider. How do we train young Special Forces personnel?”

This meant training to improve posture and joint function by developing Mobility Move your weight around your body in different ways to be prepared for anything. Functional exercises in Lauren’s workout include push-ups and glute bridges.

“When you gain muscle through highly functional training, your body develops self-control, which leads to mastery of the environment, which is exactly what we need to survive and thrive,” Lauren said. rice field.

Mark Lauren

Mark Lauren is a former US Special Forces trainer.

Mark Lauren

Some military training pushes recruits to extremes

Historically, in the military mindset, and especially in the special operations community, “just suck it up, hit the ball against the wall, and that’s how it’s done,” Lauren said.

For example, in training to become a Navy SEAL, recruits were asked to “hell week.”

“For us in the Air Force, it was just mass exercise,” Lauren said. ”

As Lauren said, it was not uncommon to lose consciousness in the water trying to complete a task.

“Your choice was either you do it, you quit, or you try and fail,” he said. And if you say, ‘Put your butt back in the pool and try again’.”

Lt. Joseph Liu, spokesman for the U.S. Air Force’s Special Warfare Training Division, said training has evolved since Lauren’s time, and physical fitness is aimed at “developing candidates to meet operational requirements.” Tsubasa will provide support including nutrition and hydration recommendations, body composition tests, physical therapy, and psychological support for trainees.

more is not always better

When Lauren became a Special Forces instructor around 9/11, the military decided to reorganize Special Forces training because so few people were graduating, he said.

Most special operations courses were designed to “drive candidates to the floor,” Lauren writes in his new book.Strong & Lean.”

When Lauren learned from her own experience and designed exercise programs, she found that they made them more efficient and her recruits had better results.

The program is designed for “total readiness” and focuses on fundamental skills that carry over to all aspects of life.

Mark Lauren

Mark Lauren trained Special Forces in a variety of disciplines.

Mark Lauren

“The most functional program produces the best body”

Lauren’s spirit and military experience inspired his new book Workouts, designed to be completed in nine minutes, helping people achieve their fitness goals with minimal effort and using equipment I will help you not need it.

Each workout is nine minutes long and consists of three sections: floor work, standing work, and mobility exercises. An insider previously reported.

Moves Lauren uses in her workouts include the glute bridge, starfish twist, and bottom squat.

Besides building a fit and healthy body in just 0.3% of a person’s week, working out builds a strong body. leana “beautiful” physique, Lauren said.

“The most functional programs produce the best bodies,” he said.

Lauren’s workouts improve posture and joint function while muscle building By improving the basic athletic skills that are used all the time, with limited effort, he said. research suggests that functional training improves speed, strength, power, balance and agility.

“For me, fitness is the ability to survive,” Lauren said.

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