Home Nutrition How to Fuel a Healthy Brain for Better Memory, Focus, and More

How to Fuel a Healthy Brain for Better Memory, Focus, and More

by Universalwellnesssystems

Think of eating healthy food as plugging in the fastest and most efficient charger to recharge your brain battery. Or as a high-octane fuel to keep your brain engine running efficiently. No matter which metaphor you choose, science It turns out that the food you eat energizes and recharges your brain, helping to keep it sharp and clear both now and in the long term.

Why is the gut important?

So how exactly does the food you eat promote brain health? This mainly comes down to microbiome The relationship between the intestines and the brain is as follows. Dr. Uma Naidu., a Harvard-trained nutritional psychiatrist, professional chef, and nutritional biologist. she is a bestselling author This is your brain about food and a new book food soothes the soul.

of intestinal microbiota is a microbial ecosystem that is important to our health in many ways. And there’s a constant conversation between that and the brain, says Dr. Naidoo. “Information from the food we eat is transmitted to our brain and influences our overall mental health,” she says. “When you have inflammation in your gut, you also have inflammation in your brain, which is associated with many mood and cognitive disorders. Over 90% of the receptors for serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in mood and cognition, in the gut. This highlights how powerful this food-mood link is.”

food that is heart health It also tends to be good for the brain, Dr. Naidu added. “We now know that the body functions as one large system rather than several separate organ systems, and that the microbiome plays a critical role in supporting the health of all organs. We’re learning more than ever before, which shows us that many foods that optimize the microbiome also support both cardiovascular and brain health.”

Nourish your brain the right way

When it comes to energizing the brain, best foodDr. Naidoo says, “It’s the least processed food in its most natural or whole state.Vegetables, berries, organic meat, and grass-fed red meat are also whole foods in moderation. Foods such as grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are all highly nutritious foods. They provide a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and other important nutrients for the body and mind that support optimal health. We provide food ingredients.”

Consider this while you’re grocery shopping, suggests Dr. Naidu. “Shop around your grocery store,” she says. There you tend to find produce, healthy protein sources from meat and seafood, dairy products, and frozen foods. Then proceed to the rest of the store. “The center aisle is perfect for canned chickpeas, black beans, cannellini beans, dried beans and lentils, canned salmon, oysters and mussels,” she added. You can also find whole grains like farro and quinoa.

Don’t forget the spice aisle, which includes turmeric, black pepper, saffron, rosemary, and parsley, says Dr. Naidu. And be sure to include fermented foods like plain yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut, she adds. These foods are known There are several benefits to improving your gut health. the study They are associated with a lower risk of dementia.

Foods to limit or skip

One important thing to consider when it comes to brain health is the amount of added or refined sugar you’re consuming. the study Studies in rats have found a link between sugar intake and cognitive functions such as memory and decision-making. Other rodents the study A diet high in sugar has been shown to increase inflammation in brain regions involved in memory.

Dr. Naidoo recommends avoiding added and refined sugars and the following foods to maintain optimal mental health:

  • Processed packaged food or baked goods
  • refined seed oil
  • processed meat

Two diets worth following

There are two meal plans. mediterranean diet And the MIND diet is worth knowing. They are not diets in the way we often think of them. So it’s not about calories or weight loss. What it is: A powerful tool for brain health.

The Mediterranean diet is the study It has been shown to help reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases. actual, world health organization calls this the most extensively studied dietary approach for cognitive health. Recommended foods include colorful fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, olive oil, seafood, beans and legumes, whole grains, and fresh herbs. Moderate intake of other foods, such as dairy products, eggs, and poultry, is also recommended.

The MIND diet is also supported by research, including: study A study of 900 people showed that those who strictly adhered to this therapy and limited refined sugar, red meat, and fried foods had a 53% reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. According to harvard university Research focuses on foods rich in vitamins, flavonoids, and other substances that reduce inflammation and inflammation. oxidative stress (imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body). This is very similar to the Mediterranean diet, with an emphasis on foods specifically proven to benefit cognitive function, such as the options below.

Powerful foods with health benefits

Here’s why these choices are especially smart choices for your brain.

1. dark leafy vegetables

      All vegetables are good for your health, so it’s wise to include a variety of vegetables. dark leafy vegetablesspinach and kale are known to be particularly smart.

      2. Berries

      Different types of fruits are good choices for your heart health. the study Berries have been shown to be particularly rich in cognitive benefits.

      3. Nuts

      Polyphenols are plant compounds found in many types of nuts. the study It has been shown that it may help prevent dementia. Walnuts are an especially smart choice because they’re rich in omega-3, which boosts cognition.

      4. Beans

      Beans are said to be rich in nutrients that activate the brain, such as folic acid, magnesium, and zinc. united brain association. It’s also rich in fiber, which helps balance blood sugar levels (good for your heart and brain) and lowers bad cholesterol.

      5. Whole grains

      Sticking to whole grains instead of refined grains metabolic syndromewhich leads to both heart and brain problems. and the study It has been shown that people who eat the most whole grains report fewer mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. More research is needed to clarify this relationship, but when it comes to grains, it’s safe to say that focusing on the whole grain, rather than the refined version, is better for your brain.

      6. Salmon

      A lot of research has been done on the brain benefits of eating seafood. recent research This study showed that eating fish twice a week was associated with a lower risk of cerebrovascular disease. Salmon is a good option as it is a great brain booster. omega 3 fatty acids.

      7. Olive oil

      This staple of the Mediterranean and MIND diets appears to be highly beneficial for the gut-brain axis. For example, in the 2021 study; nutrition reviews It turns out that it shows great potential to modify the gut microbiome in a healthy way. Rich in natural antioxidants, protects against oxidative damage, mouse research Improves activity between synapses in the brain.

      Consider incorporating all of these into your day. You can also start with a breakfast of quinoa topped with berries. Lunch of white bean soup and baby kale salad sprinkled with chopped walnuts and strawberries and tossed with an olive oil vinaigrette. Dinner with salmon on top of spinach sautéed in olive oil. Add in other fruits and vegetables, a light yogurt, and plenty of fresh herbs and spices and you’ll have a delicious, brain-boosting day.

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