Home Fitness How to Exercise More Day to Day: 7 Tips That Actually Work

How to Exercise More Day to Day: 7 Tips That Actually Work

by Universalwellnesssystems

Of course, it’s a truism to say that exercise is important to your overall health. But it lifts your mood, relieves stress, increases your energy, improved sleep quality Reduces the risk of diseases such as Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure etc.

If exercise is so important to our overall health, why is it so difficult to incorporate it into our daily lives?

Trust me, okay. I live an active lifestyle and exercise every day, but I still have that mental discussion going on every day. So here are 7 tips that actually work to help you get more exercise each day. No, you don’t have to go to the gym and do hardcore weight training.

1. Set up your routine

Ok, this really isn’t a secret. Ideally, make a regular habit of exercising – naturally! Creating that habit is the tricky part. Here’s what I can do to help.

One of the most efficient ways to build habits is with the Cue-Routine-Reward system. Discovered by MIT researchers The power of the neural loop at the core of all habits. this “habit loop” was later coined by Charles Duhigg in his 2012 book The Power of Habit and consists of three parts: cues, routines and rewards.

This system can be applied to building any habit, from drinking more water to waking up early.

For example, every morning you want to get up before work and go to the gym. Habit triggering cues are in the morning and when your alarm goes off. (Choose a time that works best for you and be consistent. Using multiple cues, like time of day and sounds, will make you more likely to follow the routine.)

Your routine, the habit or behavior you want to create and strengthen, is to get up and change into your workout clothes. And when you complete a routine (exercise), you are rewarded. This manifests as a physical reward in the form of endorphins that can motivate us to perform our routines again. Or it could be a tangible reward, such as buying new socks or investing in new yoga after he hits his exercise goal for a week. The mat one month after doing yoga every day.

Everyone reacts differently to these three elements. To develop a consistent routine of training, it’s important to experiment with which cues and rewards work best.

2. Start small

Many people think they need to run hard at the gym, but that’s not true. All it takes is about 30 minutes a day.

of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Recommendations Break down moderate-intensity cardio into at least 150 minutes a week, or just over 20 minutes each day. They also recommend strength training that works major muscle groups at least twice a week, and 30 minutes is an ideal place to start to meet your weekly needs.

You can also start with low-impact activities. A brisk walk in the evening is more than enough training.You can also refer to This Guide to the Best Workouts for Beginners.

3. Habit Stack

custom stacking popularized by James Clear in his book Atomic Habits,” is a way to create small but healthy habits. This term may be new to you, but it’s very easy. Learn new behaviors (exercises) and remember to do them. It’s about “stacking” on the habits you already have in order to be. Combos become a habit.

If you listen to podcasts every day, try taking a walk or jogging while listening to them. Waiting for your morning coffee to brew? Try stretching while you wait. Habit stacks can be used in a number of ways to help you integrate new fitness habits into your daily routine.

Exercise while listening to your favorite podcast.

Ivanko_Brnjakovic/Getty Images

4. Be active at work

Your work day doesn’t have to be completely sedentary. Instead of spending your lunch break eating, take time to hit the gym, take a brisk walk around the office, or run errands. You can also break the monotony of your day by taking a walk during your one-on-one meeting. You can sit at your desk or in a conference room, or get up and move.

Try standing up and stretching your legs from time to time. Instead of emailing or zooming in on your co-workers, get up and talk to them in person if possible. Please use the stairs instead of the elevator. Get up and refill your water from time to time.

5. Do exercises you really love

this is a big one.If you hate exercise, it might be because you don’t do your favorite workoutFew people actually enjoy running around in circles for miles. So don’t.

Experiment with different types of workouts until you find one that you really enjoy. cycling, surfing, paddle boarding, yoga, hiking, skiing, rock climbing, kayaking, and ice skating are all fun activities that get your heart rate up. This will require you to step out of your comfort zone and be patient when trying things out, but it’s worth it if your workout stops feeling like a chore.

Exercise doesn’t have to feel like a chore.

Grady Reese/Getty Images

6. Exercise while watching TV

Let’s be honest, running on a treadmill is boring. Riding an exercise bike is boring. It makes watching TV much more enjoyable. So you have to combine the two.

There’s no shame in catching up on your favorite shows while hitting the gym. Trust me, I rewatch Game of Thrones on my phone while riding my stationary bike every day. It makes me feel. At the gym he would stay for 20-30 minutes before downloading Netflix and HBO Max to his phone. Now, I usually stay on the bike or treadmill for 50-60 minutes until the episode is over.

7. Be Social

Exercise doesn’t have to be lonely. In fact, having a partner to work out with can help keep you motivated and responsible for your daily routine. If she doesn’t have one of her friends to join you, sign up for her workout class. The structure of the group workouts encourages them to work harder while introducing new people.

Workout classes can hold you accountable and introduce you to new people.

Twin Star Photo/Getty Images

Check out the fitness course schedule at your local YMCA or gym, sign up for a boxing, dance or yoga class. classpath Membership gives you access to thousands of health clubs in your city.

Find out more ways to improve your everyday health here 12 household items that double as gym equipment and Daily Habits That Boost Mental Health.

Other Fitness Tips

The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. If you have any questions about your medical condition or health purposes, be sure to consult a physician or other qualified Talk to your healthcare provider.

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