Home Fitness How to do a hip thrust (and why).

How to do a hip thrust (and why).

by Universalwellnesssystems

This is an installment payment for good fita column about exercise.

strong glutes It’s not just a pretenseEssential for optimal movement and athletic performance, the gluteus maximus is the largest and most powerful muscle in the human body. Together, the glutes help stabilize the upper body and pelvis, assisting in hip flexion and locomotion exercises such as walking, swimming, jumping, and my sport of choice, running.

For several years I just runner. I logged 35-40 miles each week and regularly participated in half marathons. She used to lift weights regularly for more than a decade, but after lifting weights she felt sore and slowed down, so she decided to quit strength training altogether and do yoga several times a week. All I cared about was running. But I was wrong.

My glutes were almost non-existent due to lack of resistance training.muscle is Technically It’s there, but not strong enough to support my heavy mileage. With her two chiropractor visits and massage sessions a week, I continued, but it was not sustainable. I was in pain.

When I finally saw my physical therapist, he suggested a strength training routine that focused on my glutes. FULL BODY WEIGHT TRAINING As part of his routine, my trainer introduced me to a new move, the hip thrust. Sit on a flat bench with your back to the ground and a light barbell on your lower back. Next, tuck your chin in, place your feet flat on the floor (and tuck them in with your knees), squeeze your glutes, and fully extend your hips. At first I could only do 40 pounds.

Five years later my personal record is £300. Best place? These gluteal increases eliminated my back pain.

Strong glutes provide a solid base of support for the rest of your body to function, says Jordan Syatt, personal trainer, certified nutrition coach, and founder of Syatt Fitness in New York City. Imagine shooting a canoe cannon, there is nothing to stabilize the cannon, but if you can put that cannon on a stable surface you can aim it properly and use it correctly. says Syatt. The gluteus maximus works in much the same way. Stabilizing the pelvis and spine allows other structures to function properly (and painlessly), including while engaging in other activities such as jogging.

inventor Dr. Brett ContrerasStrength and Conditioning Specialist, Researcher, “glute labIn 2006, hip thrusts became a staple of strength training routines around the world. When Contreras came up with the hip thrust, the most important glutes-strengthening moves were squats, lunges, and deadlifts.

On Saturday night, Contreras came up with the idea for the Hip Thrust. He was watching the Ultimate Fighting Championship fight—A brutal mashup of boxing and wrestling— between award-winning mixed martial artists Ken Shamrock and Tito Ortiz. Ortiz won his October 10, 2006 match. 1 minute 18 secondsand Contreras wondered why Shamrock didn’t try harder to “bounce” a grounded Ortiz with his hips. Contreras headed to the garage to come up with an exercise that used the same range of motion.

In the original version of the hip thrust, he placed his body in between. glute ham machine (popular in CrossFit circles) and what is called the Reverse Hyper Machine. “With the dip belt he hung 4- to 45-pound dishes underneath,” Contreras says.

It was tedious and hard to get it in the right position. After doing 15 repetitions, he had to stop, at which point Contreras remembers that he intended to spend the rest of his life popularizing hip thrusts.

In contrast to exercises like squats, lunges, and deadlifts, hip thrusts target the gluteus maximus through the entire range of motion.actually 2019 systematic review It has shown to be a better way to activate the glutes than these traditional exercises. Contreras says that since this is more of an isolation exercise, the hip thrust activates the glutes. with the highest growth potential.

The great thing about this move is that anyone can do it. And everyone can benefit from a stronger butt, whether you’re an athlete or just want to move through life more easily. Beginners can start with just their own weight, and more advanced lifters can load the barbell with weights, says Contreras. increase. Once you can do 3 x 20 repetitions, use dumbbells, kettlebells, resistance bandor barbell.

Here’s how to do a bodyweight hip thrust, according to Syatt (although if you’re new to weightlifting, Syatt recommends hiring a personal trainer for a month to learn the basic technique).

  • Find a bench or flat surface 12 to 16 inches off the ground.

  • While seated, turn your back onto the bench just below (horizontally) your shoulder blades. Loosen your fists (or hold a barbell) and place your hands by your sides.

  • Keep your knees in line with your heels, with your buttocks touching the ground.

  • Make sure your hips are straight and not arched. You want a flat, neutral spine.

  • Go through your heels (not your toes!). At the top of the movement, squeeze your glutes together.

The key to performing hip thrusts correctly is not to rush. Use your glutes, not momentum, he says Syatt. If you feel too much in your quadriceps (front of your legs), your feet may be too close to your buttocks. If you feel it too much in your hamstrings (back of your leg), your heels are too far apart, he says. The one leg variation is done in the same way, but he keeps the stationary leg bent at 90 degrees during the movement.

If you’re ready to try a barbell, advise Contreras, use a pad over the bar to keep it from digging into your lower back. With a wide range of customers to lifters, Syatt prefers bodyweight hip thrusts regardless of experience level. He says it’s because it’s easy and accessible. For example, if he only has 30 minutes to spend in the gym, he says it’s not time efficient for him to spend 15 minutes loading weights onto the barbell, and doing one-leg variations can be more challenging. added that it can be If you belong to a gym, there may be machines specifically designed for this move. loot builder again nautilus groot drive.

Today, I prefer lifting weights to cardio. Quite the opposite, from his twenties to his mid-thirties, he favored spin classes, hot yoga, and long-distance running. I still run to keep my cardiovascular health in check, but my main focus is strength training. But it also makes me strong, capable, and confident. It’s addictive. Whether you’re a beginner looking to strengthen your glutes or an advanced lifter looking to take your program to the next level, hip thrusts can help you reach your goals.

Over the past five years, my weekly lifting regimen has consisted of three leg/glute exercises (barbell hip thrusts are always included) and all major muscles (shoulders, back, biceps, upper arms). Triceps, and chest) changed to 2 days for the upper body. . me too try I try to run 15-20 miles each week. Run when you feel like it, or walk when your body calls for it. But most importantly, my body is strong enough to sustain all movements. crave.

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