Home Nutrition How to “Detox” Your Liver Quickly, Say Physicians — Eat This Not That

How to “Detox” Your Liver Quickly, Say Physicians — Eat This Not That

by Universalwellnesssystems

It’s common to hear people say they want to detox their liver after a night of partying too much or eating badly for a while. Also, there are many products that promise to give you back a healthy liver in no time. But how safe and effective is a liver detox? And should you do it? Eat this instead of that!health spoke Dr. Ravi Chandiramani, NMD – Naturopathic Physician. soul surgery Who to share what you need to know about liver detoxes and whether they are beneficial. As always, consult your doctor for medical advice. Read on.To protect your health and that of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You Already Have COVID.

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“The liver is the largest internal organ in the body, weighing an average of about 3 pounds in an adult,” says Dr. Chandiramani.The human liver performs more than 500 important functions.

  • Bile is produced in the liver and aids in the digestion and absorption of consumed fats. Bile also enables the absorption of vitamin K from dietary fat.
  • The liver is also our main blood filter, able to remove toxins, byproducts, and other harmful substances from the blood.
  • The liver uses the same vitamin K that was absorbed with the help of bile to create blood clotting factors.
  • The liver removes excess glucose from the bloodstream and stores it as glycogen. Glycogen is broken down again when the body needs glucose.
  • The liver stores large amounts of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and B12, along with iron and copper.
  • The liver produces albumin, a protein that prevents fluid in the bloodstream from leaking into surrounding tissues.
  • The liver metabolizes proteins, carbohydrates and fats to make them available to the body. ”
A man eating pizza is relaxing and resting with takeout at home
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“Diets high in saturated fat and refined carbohydrates, such as processed and fast foods, are generally not healthy for your liver and body,” says Dr. Candiramani. Most of the time, or if you’re indulging in such foods for a short period of time.

Lifestyle: If your lifestyle includes cigarettes or other forms of smoking, the established safety guidelines for one drink (12 oz. ) consumes alcohol in excess of Also 5 ounces of wine Also If you drink one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men and use recreational or illegal drugs, you may be a good candidate for a liver detox.

Environment: Again, the liver must process all toxins that enter the body, even if they inadvertently enter the body. Carbon monoxide emissions from cars, exposure to pesticides, paint Think of solvent outgassing from fumes, new cars, carpets, and furniture. Therefore, both living environment choices and work choices can put us at higher risk of exposure to environmental toxins. For example, residents of large cities may have higher environmental exposure to carbon monoxide, while non-organic farmers may have higher exposure to pesticides.Both may be good candidates for liver detox. .

Genetics, viral hepatitis B and C infections, and overall health also affect liver function.”

Mature woman experiencing stomach pain due to fatty liver disease
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Dr. Chandiramani said: diet, lifestyle and environment.

You can improve your poor diet by reducing your intake of saturated fats and refined carbohydrates by prioritizing unsaturated fats and complex carbohydrates respectively. Garlic and turmeric are great seasonings, therapeutic spices, and can be easily incorporated into delicious recipes, making food a medicine. Water is the key to everything. Hydrating with plenty of water is paramount in any detox effort and in general. Season with lime or lemon as needed.

Preventing hepatitis infection by limiting alcohol intake, reducing smoking, abstaining from recreational or illicit drug use, and not engaging in risky behaviors such as unprotected sex and intravenous drug use are all integral to detox efforts. Engaging in any kind of exercise, formal or not, is another important factor in modifying your lifestyle.

While you may not be in a position to make drastic changes to your work or living environment, wearing one or more filtering masks, gloves, long sleeves, safety glasses, and other personal protective equipment can help reduce harmful environmental toxins. You can take steps to reduce your exposure to Properly.

Rather than making these changes only temporarily or intermittently, the goal should be to permanently incorporate these changes into your diet, lifestyle, and environment. If it means you have to gradually introduce it to make it work, that’s fine too.”

liver disease
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According to Dr. Chandiramani, “Symptoms of an unhealthy or diseased liver include:

– Jaundice or a yellow tint to the whites of the eyes and skin due to high levels of bilirubin, a waste product of the breakdown of red blood cells.

– prone to bruising due to problems with blood clotting factor production

– Edema or swelling or fluid retention in the legs and/or ankles due to problems with albumin production.

–Abdominal pain, most common on the right side of the body, towards the bottom of the ribcage where the liver is located in most people.

– Itchy skin due to excessive buildup of bile salts under the skin.

– Urine darker than normal and/or stools lighter than normal.

– Confusion or disorientation due to increased ammonia levels in the blood and travel to the brain and other organs.

– Some of the more subtle signs of an unhealthy liver include feeling tired all the time, memory and concentration problems, altered sleep patterns, bloating, loss of appetite, more aches and pains than usual, dry mouth and eyes, etc. there is.

woman with liver
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Dr. Chandiramani suggests:Instead of spending tons of money on the latest and greatest juices, teas and supplements, not all of them are healthy or safe.

In addition to suggestion #3, there are some additional “toxins” to consider. These toxins may not directly affect the liver, but they can trigger maladaptive behaviors such as alcohol abuse as a coping mechanism.

What causes your stress? Answers typically fall into one or more of three categories. people, places, things. If there are steps you can take to mitigate these factors, please do so.

Related to this is creating an inventory of relationships. Take a piece of paper and divide it into two columns: the relationships that serve you and the ones that don’t. Every relationship in your life should be placed on one of these columns. If you approach this exercise with a lens of truth, you will be able to better understand the toxic relationships in your life and make informed choices. You can to be.”

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