Home Mental Health How to cope with social anxiety without getting really drunk

How to cope with social anxiety without getting really drunk

by Universalwellnesssystems

Currently, an estimated 4% of the world's population suffers from this disease. It may still be common among young people. A study published in the journal Plos One surveyed thousands of people from the age of 16 to the age of 29 in seven countries and found that 36 percent met the following criteria: social anxiety threshold hindrance.

“Intense and persistent fear of social situations [in these individuals] It often leads to avoidance and extreme distress,” says Walia. “Some people may avoid important events or functions due to fear of being in public, which can have a major impact on their daily life, relationships, and health.”

Do I have social anxiety disorder?

When you experience anxiety in social situations, “that fear becomes pervasive,” Goodman says. “So when you meet your neighbors or interact with your friends and colleagues, there's a creeping fear that you'll be rejected in some way.”

There are other symptoms as well. “If I was feeling socially anxious right now, I would be more worried about myself than I would be about you or our conversation,” Goodman explains. “All these thoughts were running through my head: ‘What am I saying?’ Do I sound stupid? Did I miss that question? – and then I may miss opportunities to connect with you because I'm focused on managing my own anxiety.”

Another common experience for people with this disorder is scanning a room, she explains. People with social anxiety often look to see if anyone is looking at them strangely, laughing at them, or worse. When you find a candidate, you may either focus all your attention on them with extreme vigilance, or you may avoid them like the plague.

But what really sets people with social anxiety disorder apart from those who occasionally experience the pain of party anxiety is their persistent belief that they are fundamentally and uniquely flawed. “They think they're inferior in some way. They're not attractive enough, they're not interesting enough, they're not interesting, and when they get socialized others notice that flaw and eventually use it as a reason.” I think it might turn them away,” Goodman says.

What causes social anxiety?

The triggers vary from person to person, Walia says, but common causes include meeting new people, being the center of attention, participating in group activities, or being criticized or shamed. This includes participating in risky activities. Research shows that public speaking repeatedly appears as a problem in: most commonly mentioned type Long-term social anxiety.

“People with social anxiety struggle with uncertainty,” Goodman explains. Situations where you know exactly what is expected of you, such as a work meeting, are likely to be less threatening than the ensuing drinking party where unstructured conversation takes place.

Our online lives don't seem to be helping us. A study published in the BMC Psychology journal found a correlation In between social media usage and rates of social anxiety. Goodman explains that social media profiles provide us with unquantifiable and often unpredictable judgments. “All of this uncertainty will make things more difficult for people who are vulnerable to social unrest,” she says.

alcohol and social anxiety

It may be tempting to reach for a drink to calm your nerves, but be careful. “Alcohol is an effective way to quickly reduce anxiety,” says Goodman. “We found that when people drink, they are less affected by social anxiety. They have more enjoyment, more opportunities for social rewards, and less inhibition.”

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