Home Nutrition How to Control Your Portion Sizes and Eat the Right Amount of Food

How to Control Your Portion Sizes and Eat the Right Amount of Food

by Universalwellnesssystems

The mythical “Clean Plate Club” has a sound mission statement.but if any way Too much food in front of me, and for every meal, more or less, almost 3,600 calories one day?

Adults in America have little trouble licking their plates clean — research Published in International Journal of Obesity Data from a few years ago showed that we eat 92% of the food we eat.

But these plates have sagged under the weight of their bulging sizes over the past 50 years. Bagels, hamburgers, theater popcorn bins, and Thai takeout trays are all bigger than before. And if your stomach is trained to expect a certain amount of food (ultra-processed or calorie-dense foods), it’s natural to overestimate when cooking for yourself.

How to get your part back? This guide is a good place to start. From adopting Confucian techniques at dinner to confronting the infamous cheat meal, here’s what you need to know.

Appetizing, yes, but almost certainly too much food.

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Hara Chibunme

That’s Japanese for “eat until you’re 80% full.” This is a common intonation before meals in Okinawa. one of five planets It’s no coincidence that there are “blue zones” (a term used to describe areas with unusual concentrations of centenarians and older), where calorie intake is less than 2,000 per day.

Calorie counting is hard work and often backfires and encourages unhealthy eating habits, but those who follow the 80% rule don’t mind labels or measure portions on a digital kitchen scale. There is nothing to do. They listen to their bodies and practice his one form of the concept now. commonly referred to As an “intuitive meal”.

The 80% rule is easiest to practice during a standard weekday dinner. This is obviously a subjective concept, but despite the seemingly formulaic percentages, you can get used to it by paying close attention to your stomach while eating. Eat (not in front of the TV) and call me when you’re nearing satisfaction.if you For real If you’re hungry later, fair enough, but at least give yourself a chance to eat the portion you can move where you need it.

restaurant beware

They know what they’re doing: butter, salt, and enough food for not just one, but two and a half dinners. (Every other day or two, I’m working out a plate of chicken and waffles that would make even Homer Simpson happy.) I see food vloggers.)

When you go out to eat, portion sizes can get out of control. In some respects, that’s fine. For example, it’s important to embrace events where eating is fun, such as feasting on birthdays or holidays. It’s a useless and self-defeating exercise to mentally associate words like “thank you for the meal” or “I screwed up.” life is hard. You are allowed to seek out delicious food.

But remember: you can ask the server for half the amount if you feel like it. Think about it: check the menu before you go, instead of choosing an entree he pairs two sides, order before everyone else (so you stay firm on your decisions) can do). It’s like a runway to determine how hungry you are) or share it with your partner.

eat colorfully

This is arguably the most important nutritional tenet. If your dishes are consistently a shade of caramel brown, you’re probably ignoring some food groups and leaning a little too heavily on fried/frozen/processed foods. To get it, it’s not enough to spray a beige plate with different sauces. That means embracing vegetables, grains, seeds, beans, peas, lentils, nuts and fruits.

But embracing a variety of dishes and keeping them small and orderly can completely dwarf your dinner…in a good way. Why not make a few small plates ( tapas Philosophy) instead of filling the plate around the cut of meat? For example, put together a tasting menu of blistered tomatoes, baked asparagus, mushroom risotto, and seared scallops. Eat like a chef eats. If the spirit drives you, cook as you go. It helps you understand the different flavors and how much you need to feel full. Plus, you might just happen to be a good cook.

About cheat meals

It’s a tricky one. Cheat meals are fun (even across Instagram), but as nutritionists are quick to point out, they tend to act as a kind of permit for extreme overdose. It’s a place where it’s okay to eat as much as you can (usually because you’ve overcome a physically demanding challenge).

However, exercise can lead to weight cycling, which over time can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. the rock isAlso Chris Hemsworthwith a complete team dedicated to helping you stay in shape, problems just spiral.

Consider why you tend to “cheat” with your meal in the first place, in terms of portion size. If you just finished a marathon or a few days of hiking, that’s all you need. But if you’re craving a medieval feast-level cheat meal every time Sunday comes around, it could be an indication that you’re not fueling properly throughout the week.try to quench your cravings without it Obsessed with calories. See what burgers and fries do for you. Don’t start with two burgers, big fries, shakes and chicken tenders.

skip or scarf

Intermittent fasting is legal. Not because the YouTuber said the exact 8:16:8 (or whatever) breakdown was “the only way to hack into a fasted state and achieve god status here on earth,” but in general, Because we all eat too much. Bypassing meals from time to time is a great way to cut calories. have a genetic advantage Hungry. )

But just like hitting Trader Joe’s when you’re hungry, you can force yourself to prepare/order when you’re hungry. way Too much food does not positively affect portion control. When trying intermittent fasting, be aware of how skipping meals affects your energy levels and mood. How does it affect your ability to work or train? And how reasonable it feels when it finally reaches time for your next meal.

Knowing in advance exactly what you’re going to eat to break your fast can get you into the habit of preparing that meal or snack in advance.But if you start to feel like you’re forcing a problem, or that the chosen times of the day make it too difficult to skip meals, it’s probably not worth it. ing Harahachibunmithis is a situation where a better subconscious understanding of satiety will pay off for decades to come.


Grazing had a brief moment in the mid-twenties, but became terribly dated when intermittent fasting hit the scene. If you snack here and there throughout the day to keep your energy up and, importantly, not overeat when it’s time for a “real” meal, that’s perfectly fine.

Keep it simple. Sliced ​​apples, whole grain toast, literally any shape of avocado, almonds, and dried he fruit. I make a smoothie every day with peanut butter, two bananas, and oat milk. Along with a few glasses of water and an iced coffee, that’s all I really want in the morning. Once you’ve done a little work, it’s time for lunch. Find what works for you, and when in doubt, drink more water and eat more fiber. reflects the

mama earth

Americans give up £80 billion of annual food. Up to 40% of the US food supply ends up as waste. It’s my fault, it’s your fault, it’s everyone’s fault you know. Learn real portions if you want to be part of the solution. That way, you can actually buy and cook what you know you want to eat. Stop throwing the rest away (or in a container he stops leaving it for 3 days). embarrassed nose).

A small plate?

When it comes to tableware, size matters.Studies have confirmed that people eat larger servings of food when they are eating from a large plate or bowl, and surprisingly, they don’t notice they are doing it This is probably the dumbest and easiest way to handle portion control. Simply place the first serving on a small plate. If you want more, so be it. put a little more And go from there. Trust us: you’ll be full — 80% of the way there — in time.

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