Home Mental Health How the Media Should Be Reporting on Mental Health

How the Media Should Be Reporting on Mental Health

by Universalwellnesssystems

Words matter. This means that media reporting on issues such as suicide and mental disorders can raise awareness or, conversely, strengthen prejudice. Good practice in this regard is important.

Media coverage of mental health

Last update: March 31, 2023

Today, more information is being published about factors related to mental health. For example, many celebrities have spoken out in an open and normalized way about the mental disorders they suffer or may have suffered from. Similarly, the media seeks to make visible certain realities that have hitherto remained trapped in silence and stigma.

But while the move is essential and encouraging, one nuance remains. This is the fact that the way the media presents the news matters. Indeed, words can help or harm. In fact, we have recently witnessed how some media are either intentionally or unwittingly guilty of the process of sensationalism.This is a serious mistake.

One common trend is to associate tragic or violent events with mental disorders. For example, they might report “the attacker was schizophrenic” or “the young woman who took her own life was depressed”. Many of these expressions and phrases are often not only based on unverified information But it’s also harmful to people with mental health issues.

Some media reinforce stigma and dwarfism in the way they present information.

The population reads the news every day, and how it represents mental health factors can create awareness and bias.

Media coverage of mental health

Information and communication media have great power. This comes with great responsibility. Thus, the headlines they produce and the way information is presented suggest certain social cues about how we have come to understand certain groups of people. , is to link criminal behavior with mental disorders.

In additionOne sector of our population that is particularly vulnerable to the information we receive on a daily basis is our young people. For example, no one can deny that the number of children and adolescents who commit suicide has increased in recent years. Naturally, the media must report this fact. That said, you must choose your words carefully to avoid sensationalism. In fact, they should employ the much-needed Papageno effect to promote suicide prevention.

There is no denying that the media often portrays mental health events as an anomalous reality. However, the reality is that as many as 1 in 4 people currently have the disease, as pointed out by the World Health Organization (WHO). have or may develop. Mental health issues at some point in lifeFor this reason, it is essential to know how to report and present news regarding these situations.

Consider guidelines governing the profession of journalists, government ministries of social affairs, and WHO codes of ethics.

People with schizophrenia are among the most stigmatized in society. Over time, a highly negative, threatening, and even violent image of them was created.

1. To avoid perpetuating prejudice

Terms such as psychosis, mental disorder, lunatic, schizophrenia, and psychosis are stigmatized concepts that disqualify people.Indeed, the image given of mental health conditions is often disturbing. As a result, society is presented with completely distorted ideas about these situations.

As a matter of fact, the media prefers to use the term mental health problem rather than mental illness or mental illness. moreover, They should avoid establishing a mental state. For example, report individuals as depressed, anorexic, schizophrenic, bipolar disorder, psychotic, etc.

2. Say no to disturbing headlines

In the age of clickbait, it’s all too easy for media to rely on disturbing headlines to win readers. However, this should never be done at the expense of your mental health. Whenever possible, it is better to refer to topics and news related to this field in a contextualized way. In fact, the condition should not constitute the heading itself.

3. Normalize and avoid stigmatizing images

Sad, dark, and miserable imagery often accompanies news about certain groups suffering from mental disorders. We see people lost, passive, and alone in desolate environments.

Clearly, we cannot expect images in which patients appear to be brimming with joy and happiness. That said, the image should be more normalized. After all, people with depression can still go to work and people with schizophrenia in treatment can live full lives.

4. Beware of Linking Violence to Mental Health

Media should report on mental health in a manner that complies with medical regulations and the Code of Ethics for Journalism. However, there is a tendency to associate violent behavior with various mental disorders. Scientific research provides important nuances in this regard.

in fact, Research by Queen’s University (Canada) claim to Mental health problems are neither a necessary nor a sufficient cause of violent behavior. This latter reality is a complex combination of social, demographic, and economic factors. The media should not fall into the trap of reductionism.

When working with news, media professionals must address the following issues:

  • Do you have a definite diagnosis? Are the sources trustworthy?
  • Is it important to emphasize that the individual is suffering from mental health problems?
  • Do they respect the privacy of individuals with mental health issues?

The media is the most appropriate channel for providing accurate, realistic and scientific views on mental health issues. In addition, we can offer hope and means to those going through these difficult situations.

5. Increase social knowledge and enhance a positive vision of mental health

How the media reports on mental health must always start with credible, scientific and professional sourcesTo educate society, they need to give voice to the professionals on the ground. Contrasting information that has nothing to do with sensationalism makes the conscience flourish.

In addition, the media should offer a positive, normalizing and resilient vision of mental issues. For example, point out that rates of self-harm and eating disorders (ED) are increasing. Furthermore, it should be emphasized that mechanisms exist to deal with them.

It is also recommended that the media report depression in other ways. They need to insist that it is not synonymous with weakness, that it is not isolated, and that there are science-based tools to address it.

Regularly consulting a psychologist and asking for help is a way to reduce prejudice.

How should the media report suicide?

Suicide rates are increasing worldwide. In addition, we can see that for every successful suicide, 20 or more attempted suicide. research published in lancet Emphasizes how serious this is among the youngest population. In fact, the pandemic has made it an urgent fact that must be addressed.

For this, How the media reports on mental health mattersNot only are they helpful, they also serve as agents of change. They must be very careful how they reveal these facts. As I said before, language is still important. Here’s how the media should report on mental health.

Media coverage of mental health

When reporting certain news, the media should seek the support and advice of psychologists and psychiatrists.

  • They shouldn’t be talking about the suicide “epidemic”.
  • I need to provide information about support services. You will also need to provide a relevant phone number.
  • It should not detail the mechanism of action of any particular individual. Also, you shouldn’t present images.
  • Unsolicited comments and contributions from non-experts should be avoided. This is because it is easy to show prejudice unconsciously.
  • Suicide should only be reported if it involves a celebrity. or if there is some general and legitimate interest in the facts.
  • They should avoid descriptive reductionism as to why individuals did what they did. For example, you should avoid reporting that you have been bankrupt, are suffering from depression, or have been bullied. When an individual chooses to take his own life, he is not the only cause. It’s a complex, multidimensional reality.
  • They must promote the Papageno effectThis means that news must be focused in a way that contributes to the idea that there are coping mechanisms to prevent these situations. should be made clear and should never be sensationalized.


Finally, the answer to how the media should report on mental health is simple. They should report in an ethical and educational manner. Additionally, they should be advised by experts in the field. Indeed, it cannot be overemphasized that journalists have great relevance in practicing positive awareness of these issues.

Media and social networks should be allies so that they can provide useful news and data on this issue. This means they must avoid dwarfing, overgeneralizing, or falling prey to unhelpful paternalism.By being sensitive in dealing with these situations, they help facilitate A society that is educated and sensitive to these realities. This is beneficial for all of us.

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