Home Mental Health How teens view social media’s impact on their mental health

How teens view social media’s impact on their mental health

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Learn more in a new report. The role of social media In the lives of young people and how they manage different strengths and weaknesses, including being a person of color, LGBTQ+, or suffering from depression.

These advantages and disadvantages also include online reviews A platform for social connectionsYoung people use social media to express themselves and gather information, according to a report released Tuesday by Common Sense Media and Hope Lab, social innovation institutes and impact investors that aim to support young people’s well-being. On the other hand, they are feeling a strong impact on their concentration, confidence, and satisfaction.

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“Most conversations and headlines about social media and young people’s mental (health) focus solely on its harms and portray young people as passive consumers. This study shows that it is much more complex and This shows that there is,” Amy Green, director of research at Hope Labs, said in a news release. “If we truly want to improve the well-being of young people, we need to listen to their experiences and ensure we are not inadvertently depriving them of access to important positive benefits.”

Also driving the study is a national youth mental health crisis, which is characterized by a growing trend, the authors said. Rate of mental disorderssuch as anxiety and depression, Suicidal thoughts and attemptsand antidepressants It was prescribed to young people.While mental health issues can have multiple contributing factors, social media is always at the center of conversations about these phenomena.

The study, conducted by NORC (formerly known as the National Public Opinion Research Center) at the University of Chicago, included 1,274 teens (ages 14 to 17) recruited online between October and November 2023. and young people (18 to 22 years old). He participated in focus groups and interviews to “provide direction and input on the study content” and assist the research team in prioritizing and interpreting the results, according to a news release. This report is the third in a series tracking the impact of social media on young people’s well-being.

The researchers found that while rates of depressive symptoms among young people have fallen by about 10% from their peak during the pandemic, they remain high and comparable to elevated levels in 2018. Almost half of young people reported experiencing some form of severe depression, and almost one-third (28%) said they had moderate to severe symptoms.

Additionally, nearly half of LGBTQ+ youth report symptoms of moderate to severe depression, compared to nearly a quarter of non-LGBTQ+ youth.

People with depression were more susceptible to social comparison and pressure to present their best selves on social media. But they were also more likely to find resources that support their well-being and curate their feeds for that purpose. This is done by selecting the “Not Interested” button on content you don’t like, flagging inappropriate or offensive content, and blocking users who: The content bothered them. These young people also actively curated their feeds by liking and spending more time on content they enjoyed. This is because many social media algorithms work to serve you more content based on your level of engagement with a particular topic.

This was especially important for LGBTQ+ youth, who, like Black and Latinx youth, are even more exposed to online harassment and stress.

Lead researcher Amanda Lenhart said, “In focus groups, Black youth’s experiences with face-to-face harassment made them less tolerant of similar behavior on social media, and they felt less tolerant of hateful comments.” “It means they are willing to give up benefits to protect themselves,” he said. Common Sense Media’s research director told me via email.

The findings confirm what many researchers have seen scientifically and anecdotally, Dr. Mitch Prinstein, chief science officer at the American Psychological Association, said in an email. Prinstein was not involved in the study.

Social media and mental health

Many participants cited online platforms as a place to seek support and advice, and also revealed the benefits they derive from social media. Unzip. Connect with loved ones and others with whom you share experiences, interests, and identities. Stay informed. Stay up to date with your favorite influencers and content creators.

“Another important finding is the importance of social media as a space for connection, creativity, and career opportunity for Black youth,” Lenhart said.

Dr. Douglas Gentile, distinguished professor of psychology at Iowa State University, said in an email that he encourages “caution in interpreting such (self-reported) data.”

“People are surprisingly bad at actually knowing how their media use affects them,” added Gentile, who was not involved in the study. “I’m not saying anyone is lying, we’re just seeing a fraction of how the media affects us.”

The authors found that nearly a quarter of participants reported using social media almost constantly throughout the day, a 7% increase from the rate found in the 2018 report. Many young people reported that they could not control their social media use, that it distracted them from other activities, and that they unconsciously reached for social media when they were bored. To combat these behaviors, many not only customize their feeds but also step away from social media to avoid temptation or delete their accounts permanently.

“If social media was designed with young people’s well-being as its main focus, rather than focusing on keeping kids engaged for as long as possible in order to profit from their data, it would give young people (more) It could be profitable,” Prinstein said.

Try checking in with your emotions while or after using social media, Lenhart says. “Ask yourself, ‘How am I feeling right now?’ Did I see something that made me feel sad?”

Lenhart added that taking a temporary or permanent break from the content that causes you the most distress can be helpful, especially if you’re already suffering from depression.

For parents and guardians wondering how to best manage their teen’s social media use, Lenhart says one of the most important things is to “keep the channels of communication open.”

Parental involvement is important, with young adults expressing regret that their parents allowed them to use social media when they were young and wanting to go back in time and tell their parents not to give in to their demands. I hope so, Prinstein said.

Lenhart suggests asking the teens around you what they like about these platforms and what kinds of connections and activities support their mental health. I said please. If social media is upsetting them or interfering with other responsibilities, let them know you’re there to find a solution.

“Respect that each young person is the expert of their own lived experience,” Lenhart said. “Young people are valuable teachers in their own right.”

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