Home Mental Health How Stress Affects Your Body: Physical, Mental & Behavioral

How Stress Affects Your Body: Physical, Mental & Behavioral

by Universalwellnesssystems

Let’s be real: Most of us today have high stress levels. The American Psychological Association reports that by 2023, roughly one-third of people ages 18-44 will rate their stress levels as 8-10 on a scale of 1-10. So if you’re constantly stressed, you’re not alone.

“Stress is a natural response to life’s demands and pressures. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including work responsibilities, financial problems, relationship issues or major life changes,” Edmond Hakimi, DOa board-certified internist and medical director at Wellbridge.

Stress, in particular, can have serious physical, behavioral, and mental effects that can significantly impact your health. Therefore, stress management is an important part of managing your health. Read on to learn more about the physical, mental, and behavioral effects of stress, as well as expert tips for managing stress.

The physical effects of stress

Cardiovascular system

“The cardiovascular system is especially vulnerable, and stress can increase your heart rate and blood pressure, which can lead to long-term heart disease.” Marcus Smith, LCPC, LPC, LCADCLicensed Clinical Professional Counselor and Executive Director of Alpas Wellness.

The presence of stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine causes oxidative stress and inflammation, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

“It can also cause coronary artery constriction and lead to myocardial ischemia.” Dr. Andrew SherwoodIn extreme cases, it can even lead to a heart attack, said Sherwood, a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Duke University School of Medicine.

Respiratory system

High stress can make you breathe shallower and faster. It also increases your risk of developing or worsening existing respiratory diseases because stress worsens your body’s immune response. It also releases inflammatory cytokines, increases mucus production, and narrows your airways.

Therefore, deep breathing exercises can often help reduce stress.

Immune system

When your body senses stress, it weakens your immune system. “Your endocrine system responds by releasing stress hormones, like cortisol. When cortisol levels are high for an extended period of time, it can disrupt your metabolic function and weaken your immune system,” says Smith.

This could result in increased susceptibility to infection and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases, Sherwood says.

Digestive system

When we feel stressed, neurohormones called catecholamines are released, which specifically affect the gastrointestinal system, ultimately decreasing blood flow to the intestines, which can lead to diarrhea or constipation in some people. Not surprisingly, research has found that stress is closely linked to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Besides IBS, stress can also increase acid reflux, Sherwood says.

Musculoskeletal system

It’s no secret that stress causes muscle tension — think about how you’d feel if you got a massage after a stressful work week. That’s due to a series of physiological responses that occur when your body is stressed. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system as a result of stress can lead to muscle tension, headaches, and migraines, Sherwood says.

Reproductive system

High stress can suppress your libido and reproductive function. Stress suppresses the secretion of key reproductive hormones that play a key role in testosterone production and ovarian function. As a result, chronic stress can lead to irregular menstrual periods, poor sperm quality, and even infertility.

The psychological effects of stress

Anxiety and depression

“Prolonged or unmanaged stress can actually create enough inner turmoil to lead to mental illness. If we live a really stressful life (or don’t manage our stress well), we’re more likely to have depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, substance use disorders, eating disorders, etc.,” says Morosi.

This is called the “exhaustion phase” of the stress response, and occurs when stress becomes chronic. Other symptoms of this phase include burnout, fatigue, and decreased tolerance to stress.

Cognitive impairment

Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing — one potential benefit of short-term stress is improved cognitive function — but “when stress becomes overwhelming, it can impair cognitive functions like concentration and decision-making, making everyday tasks seem more difficult,” says Hakimi.

Behavioral effects of stress

Changes in appetite

If your stress levels are too high, “you may not receive your hunger cues (or the internal message to start eating) and you may not receive your fullness cues (the internal message to stop eating),” says Amorosi.

Ultimately, stress can reduce your ability to eat healthily or intuitively, cause nausea and other gastrointestinal problems, lead to food aversions, and increase your risk of overeating, Amorosi says.

Sleeping disorder

Stress and sleep are interconnected: high stress leads to poorer sleep quality, and poorer sleep quality leads to increased stress.

According to the American Psychological Association, adults who report low stress report getting more sleep and experiencing better quality sleep than those who report high stress. Stress often causes anxiety and increased alertness, which can lead to insomnia, Smith said.

Sleep can also be used as a way to escape stress without getting to the root of the problem: “For example, if you oversleep when you’re anxious in order to avoid the source of your stress, you risk disrupting your sleep cycle and making your mood worse,” says Amorosi.

Increased drug use

When stress levels rise, some people may turn to alcohol or drugs to relieve stress. [stress] “It can lead to maladaptive coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse or excessive alcohol use, which can further reduce coping abilities and lead to interpersonal conflict and social isolation,” Sherwood says.

Strategies for managing and reducing stress

Stress can worsen your health, so it’s worth finding ways to manage it in your daily life. If possible, incorporate these methods into your daily life instead of waiting until you’re drowning in stress before taking action.

To manage stress, Morosi recommends a combination of the following:

  • Calm, calm and relax through mindful practices
  • Maintain self-care habits and don’t neglect basic needs
  • Stay connected to healthy, supportive people so you don’t feel lonely
  • Use rational problem-solving skills to find solutions to stress
  • Radical acceptance that life is difficult and imperfect
  • Use positive self-talk to maintain self-esteem even in the face of adversity

Additional habits that may help, according to Hakimi, include physical activity, deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, and eating a regularly balanced diet, which releases endorphins that help boost your mood.

If you’re worried that your stress levels are damaging your health, it may be worth talking to a healthcare provider: “Symptoms to look out for include low mood, chronic anxiety, feelings of helplessness, difficulty sleeping, recurring headaches, palpitations, shortness of breath, panic attacks, and inability to control alcohol or substance abuse. A good place to start is with your healthcare provider,” says Sherwood.


As you can see, stress can have deep and far-reaching effects on the body and mind. If your stress levels are high, it’s worth making stress reduction techniques a central part of your wellness routine. This can include meditation, socializing, positive self-talk, and working with a therapist to help you deal with stress effectively.

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