Home Fitness How Solidcore Helped Me Fall in Love With Low-Impact Exercise

How Solidcore Helped Me Fall in Love With Low-Impact Exercise

by Universalwellnesssystems

The night before my first Solidcore class, I made a bold decision to reunite with an old college friend and go out for a drink.I confessed while sipping wine probably Please slow down. My class was imminent and was scheduled for 6:00 am at Nolita Studios in lower Manhattan. “Marisa, do you know how difficult that class is?” my friend asked through a strained laugh and a worried look. As someone who loves trying out all kinds of workout classes (SoulCycle! OrangeTheory! Barry’s Bootcamp!) for experience, I thought I would be fine, but it’s the rudeness I need to unload the wine. It was a great awakening.

As my past attendance list shows, I tend to favor high-impact exercise. It’s what I’m most comfortable with. Trying yoga, or worse, a cardio dance class, led to the nagging suspicion that I was doing the wrong moves, making me self-conscious and lacking self-confidence (wrong It was so). But for some reason, I had a hunch that solid-core, a difficult workout known for its low impact but high intensity, might suit me better. (Spoiler alert: It was.) Ahead, I’ll break down what the class is, why it’s popular, and what my experience was like — wine and beyond.

What is Solid Core?

Solidcore is a low-impact, high-intensity resistance training workout. “The workout is similar to Pilates because it utilizes resistance-based machines with an emphasis on slow, controlled movements,” he says. Taylor Bogenshutz, Director of Training and Development at Solidcore. That machine is what the brand has cleverly named ‘sweatlana’. This is a fixed platform with a carriage that slides back and forth, sandwiched between two platforms that do not move.

Look at this!

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The goal of this class is to push yourself to the point of “second stage muscle failure,” breaking down slow-twitch fibers and building stronger muscles than before. This is achieved through the very slow movement of the machine and the resistance bands that stimulate the muscles. Throughout the class, your instructor will guide you through a variety of exercises that utilize all parts of the machine, including lunges, plank he extensions, and crunches.

Bogenschuetz emphasizes that Solidcore is more than just a workout. it’s a community. “We focus on building relationships between coaches and clients,” she explains, noting that Solidcore instructors take the time to learn everyone’s names and recognize their A+ efforts. says that he even yells in class. Or perhaps you’re struggling and need some extra encouragement.

What is my experience with Solidcore?

We arrived at the Solidcore studios before dawn. Miraculously I didn’t have a hangover, but I was still anxious. It was only when I entered the studio and saw the impressive row of “sweatlana machines” that my nerves hardened. After shyly admitting that I was scared the first time, the instructor took me back to Earth and said, “It’s just training.” fair. I chose my machine, prepared myself, and sat in the carriage like everyone else.

The vibrant atmosphere in the studio was palpable, and it seemed to have contributed to my high energy levels. The room itself was lit with moody blue lighting and pulsing with Top 40 music, causing a decibel alert to pop up on my Apple Watch. After 30 minutes, my core started shaking like never before. Even if you haven’t executed every move perfectly, you’re definitely on the right track.but i felt good. I was overwhelmed by the intensity of it all and already knew I would definitely be back for another session.

It certainly helped that the instructor guided us minute by minute through the 50 minute class. He kept the class flowing seamlessly by briefly explaining each move over the microphone and counting down the seconds to move on to the next exercise. To make sure I was doing each move correctly, I asked more experienced participants (hoping they were so focused on their workout that they didn’t realize I was staring at them). I glanced briefly at But the instructor was always on the lookout and came over to adjust my form a few times.

Benefits of low-impact exercise

After attending a few Solidcore classes, I started to realize that I had neglected low-impact exercises. In just three of her sessions, I had already gained a deeper understanding of my muscle groups and how exercising them felt. This was something I never thought of when running a literal marathon or attending a HIIT class.

This realization prompted me to talk to trainers who emphasize the mind-body connection.Enter Dominique Reader, a strength trainer at pilates classHe told me that he introduces his clients to this concept and emphasizes the importance of recognizing which muscles are being used during exercise. , I don’t know which muscles to use for the exercise,” he explains.

Leaders often start by focusing on the core, helping clients understand how they engage the transversus abdominis, lower core muscles, and other muscles in the area. “If you don’t have a good mind-body connection and you really know your muscles, nine out of ten chances are you probably aren’t doing it,” he points out. He has taken HIIT classes, so this resonated with me, but Solidcore is a game changer in helping me understand how to activate my core precisely and intentionally. I feel.

My final thoughts on Solidcore

Solidcore quickly became my favorite, but the reality is that an unlimited membership is not in your budget and costs around $300/month (although you can buy a single class for around $35). But that’s fine. Because I like to mix up my workouts and keep things interesting. I’ve supplemented my solid core with outdoor runs, leisurely walks, and high-intensity workout classes.

Fast forward to today, I’ve attended Solidcore a total of 10 times, and I wouldn’t call myself an expert. When I’m unsure of my movements, I get hints from other participants. But I’ve found that it’s not just about doing each exercise perfectly. Slow and controlled resistance training has brought about refreshing changes in both my mind and body. I put it away as a thing. But I can now confidently prove that low-impact exercise can be both fulfilling and fun. To prove it, his Beyoncé-themed Solidcore class is also on the schedule.

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