Home Nutrition How much protein should I eat per day? Why Americans are obsessed with eating protein-rich diets.

How much protein should I eat per day? Why Americans are obsessed with eating protein-rich diets.

by Universalwellnesssystems

This story has been adapted from Meat/less, Vox's newsletter series that helps you easily incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet. Serves 5 people Over the course of a few weeks, you'll gain challenges, recipes, and insights to reduce your meat intake.sign up here!

Americans are I have a strange obsession with protein..

they eat while walking twice as many as a federal government It is recommendedand 60 percent of US adults They are trying to get more nutrients into their diet.And this obsession is probably make us sick: Excess protein intake, especially from animal foods rich in cholesterol, is correlated with: Increased risk of cancer and heart disease.

This can be a high-protein, keto, paleo, or low-carbohydrate diet (combining these together). 1 in 5 Americans). It's a problem for most Americans, especially men. One small and informal studies In the UK, some men who want to reduce their meat consumption even feel embarrassed ordering vegetarian food among their male friends.

Excess protein intake Meat and dairy production also accounts for more than a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions, destroying the planet.

Globally, most people Exceed the recommended protein intake, but Americans and Canadians are taking it to another level. Despite consuming more protein than other regions, Americans and Canadians consume the least amount of plant-based protein, instead getting it from animal meat, dairy products, and eggs.

This explains why one of the first questions people ask when they find out someone is a vegetarian or is simply reducing their meat intake is “Where do you get your protein?” I'm explaining.But there are many Plant-based foods rich in proteinbeans, tofu, tempeh, lentils, peanut butter, plant-based “meat” products, nuts, soy milk, etc.

Unless you're pretty ambitious about bodybuilding, you probably don't need to worry about whether you're getting enough protein when you reduce your meat consumption or go vegetarian.

“A vegetarian or vegan diet can provide enough protein if you get the right amount of calories from a variety of whole foods.” Nancy Geib says, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic Diabetes and Nutrition Center. And if you're looking to build muscle mass, vegetarians and vegans can still compete in top-level strength sports. In 2016, Kendrick Faris A vegan, he was the only American to compete in men's weightlifting at the Rio Olympics.

But one nutrient that the average American doesn't get nearly enough of is fiber, and eating more plant-based foods is a surefire way to change that.

Fiber gap explanation

The 2021 survey revealed that 7 percent of Americans consume enough fiber, a problem nutritionists refer to as the “fiber gap.” Fiber is important because it's “amazingly helpful in many ways. It slows the absorption of glucose, evens out blood sugar levels, and also lowers cholesterol and inflammation,” says Julia Bells, former Vox senior health correspondent. writing.

A diet high in dietary fiber is related It reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and certain cancers.can also be improved gut health If that's important to you, it can help you maintain a more regular life. Fortunately, Foods richest in fiber This includes plants such as beans, avocados, berries, whole grains, broccoli, potatoes, nuts, and dried fruit.

There are also many health benefits that come from a plant-based diet.by American Dietetic Association, a well-planned vegan diet is healthy and nutritionally adequate and can contribute to the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. (well-planned = eating in a balanced way) Obsessed with health and “purity”.) But let's be clear: it won't cure cancer, give you perfectly glowing skin, or make you feel great all the time, as some people on the fringe of the vegan internet suggest. That's it.

Health and nutrition are sensitive issues because there is so much pseudoscience out there. You can be an unhealthy vegan or flexitarian, a healthy omnivore, or anywhere in between. (If you have questions about what's best for you, ask your doctor or registered dietitian.)

What vegans need to know about B12, iron, and more

according to 2015 report According to Faunalytics, an animal advocacy research organization, 26 percent of vegetarians and vegans have stopped eating a diet because they feel it is unhealthy. That said, the main issues mentioned here, such as protein and iron deficiencies, could have been addressed with some basic nutritional guidance. Let's address those concerns.

The nutrients that vegans should be most careful about are: vitamin B12because it is almost exclusively found in animal foods.

Vitamin B12 is deadly It affects the development and function of the central nervous system, healthy red blood cell formation, and DNA synthesis, so if ignored, you can experience symptoms such as: Short-term and long-term health issues Suitable for vegetarians and vegans but is a healthy meat reducer Under 60 years old No need to worry.

But getting adequate vitamin B12 is easy ( Recommended amount per day 2.4 micrograms for adults), which costs just a few pennies per day. Take vitamin B12 in the form of your choice, including tablets, lozenges, and oral spray, all of which are available at your local pharmacy or grocery store. Also, if possible, foods fortified with vitamin B12 (e.g., most breakfast cereals, nutritional yeastplant-based milk).

Another important nutrient is iron. Like protein, meat and other animal foods are high in iron, so some people find it difficult to get enough iron in a diet that eats less or no meat at all. However, many plant-based foods are also rich in iron.For example, half a cup of cooked lentils contains approximately Twice the iron in 4 ounces of beefvegans and vegetarians typically consume more iron than omnivores. according to Ginny Messina, a registered dietitian.

The problem is that the iron found in plant-based foods, called non-heme iron, is not absorbed by the body as much as iron from animal sources. For this reason, vegetarians need to consume almost twice as much iron as vegetarians. Recommended amount per dayranges from 8 to 27 milligrams, depending on age, gender, and whether you're pregnant or breastfeeding.

Just like getting enough protein, iron can be found in many commonly eaten plants, including beans, lentils, soy products, nuts, seeds, pumpkin, dark leafy vegetables, oats, dried fruit, and quinoa. It is contained in sex foods and is therefore manageable.I recommend Messina “Vegan Nutrition Primer” The aim is to provide nutritional guidance that is more practical and based on scientific evidence.

Today's challenge: increase dietary fiber

Now that you've noticed a fiber gap, try to fill it this week by eating some fiber-rich foods. And be sure to share this story with anyone who asks how to get enough protein in a meat-reduced diet. .

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