Home Fitness How Many Squats Should You Do? Here’s What Trainers Say

How Many Squats Should You Do? Here’s What Trainers Say

by Universalwellnesssystems

During your lower body workout, you’re more likely to do at least one round of squats. This classic exercise can be done anytime, anywhere and is very beneficial for different parts of the body. But how many squats do you need to do to really see (and feel) results?

If you’re looking for a peachy butt and a stronger foundation in your body, know that a consistent squat routine will get you there. It’s a compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, like muscles and core.” Brian Mathiassculpt instructor activate the houseYou can do squats with or without weights, he tells Bustle. can.

Whatever your goals, Macias says squats are one of the best functional exercises you can do. It’s a popular fitness program,” he says.

That’s it for this intense squat review, where I’ll show you how many squats you should actually do and how to squat with perfect form.

how to squat

Click here for Certified Personal Trainer Rob Wagener We detail how to squat properly so you can get the most out of your movements.

– Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointing slightly out.

– Engage your core.

– Sink your hips into a squat, as if you were sitting in an invisible chair.

– Align your knees and toes.

– Put your weight on your heels.

– Always keep your chest up.

– When your thighs are parallel to the ground, push your heels back down.

– Repeat for as many reps as you want.

How many squats?

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If you’re just starting out with squats, it’s a good idea to focus on quality over quantity while building strength and endurance. Wagner recommends starting with two to three sets of eight to 12 squats. Go slow and do this many reps with good form.

Repeat this amount 2-3 times a week until you feel confident with your form and the pain and muscle fatigue go away. From there, feel free to level up by doing 3-4 sets of 8-15 squats for him.

Stay on each level until it becomes easier. Ultimately, Wagner says you can take your squat game up another notch by holding a dumbbell in each hand, experimenting with different squat variations, and increasing your reps. Once you become an advanced squatter, aim for him to do 4-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

“The appropriate number for each level is based on your individual fitness goals, current conditioning level, and recovery speed,” he points out. “Pay attention to proper recovery rest periods between workouts. This is key to building an effective program.”

A word of caution: While you may be tempted to spit out as many squats as you can on your journey to squat tastic booty, be aware that you might overdo it. “Overdoing squats can lead to muscle strain, joint pain, and other injuries,” Macias says.

If you have knee, hip, or lower back pain, muscle aches, or a sudden drop in performance, you know you’re doing too many squats. Please regard it as “It’s important to listen to your body and give it the rest and recovery it needs,” Macias says.

how to squat better

Jay Yunho/E+/Getty Images

To upgrade your squat game, add other exercises to your routine such as lunges, glute bridges, step-ups and deadlifts. “They help target the different muscles involved in the squat, but they can also strengthen your hip flexors and improve your overall performance,” says Wagner.

another key? Get plenty of rest days, says Wagner.Do a squat routine instead of doing squats every day 2-3 times a weekWhen I’m not squatting, I suggest active rest training such as stretching, foam rolling, yoga, swimming, and walking. Follow this plan and you’ll be a squat superstar in no time.

Referenced studies:

Androulakis-Korakakis, P. (2020). Minimum effective training dose required to increase her 1RM intensity in resistance-trained men: a systematic review and meta-analysis. sports medicine. Doi: 10.1007/s40279-019-01236-0.


Brian Mathiassculpt instructor activate the house

Rob WagenerCertified Personal Trainer

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