Home Fitness How Many Reps Is Too Many? Here’s What the Experts Have to Say

How Many Reps Is Too Many? Here’s What the Experts Have to Say

by Universalwellnesssystems

Slow-twitch muscle fibers are specialized for endurance and produce power through sustained, low-intensity exercise, while fast-twitch muscle fibers are used for explosive, high-intensity movements but fatigue quickly.

If you’re looking to build strength and power, Veal recommends 1-5 repetitions per set at high intensity (about 85-100% of your single repetition max). If you’re looking to build muscle mass, increase to 8-12 repetitions per set at moderate intensity (about 65-85% of your single repetition max). To stimulate slow-twitch muscle fibers and build resistance, aim for 13-20 repetitions per set at low intensity (about 50-65% of your single repetition max).

Vary the number of repetitions depending on your training

Not all workouts are created equal, so why do four sets of 10 reps of every exercise?

“For exercises designed to build muscle endurance, such as push-ups and squats, we recommend a maximum of 15 repetitions,” he says. Tomi AkandeP.T. Until then.

Sure, you might be able to do more than 15 push-ups, but overdoing it combined with insufficient recovery can cause micro-trauma to your muscles and lead to hormonal imbalances that can disrupt your cortisol levels and impact muscle growth and overall health, says Akande.

A good rule of thumb is to prioritize form and quality over quantity.

Start low to build functional strength

Following on from that last point, specialist equipment like a TRX rig may require a more cautious approach to repetitive movements, says fitness coach Joanna Days. curveHe explains:

“If you’re new to TRX, it’s important to start with eight to 12 repetitions per set to build foundational strength. Even if you don’t do a lot of repetitions, focus on working on your form and maximizing your range of motion.”

If you find yourself getting bored, increase it to 12 to 15 repetitions, which will not only tone your muscles but also improve your stability. For advanced TRX practitioners, Dase recommends 15 to 20 repetitions per set, while still maintaining form and incorporating more challenging exercise variations.

Of course, a TRX rig might not be for you, but the same principles can be applied to some of the more fun gear you’ll find in the gym, like battle ropes, punching bags, and Bosu balls. Plyometric Boxes. Especially with new equipment, the key is to experiment and not run before you walk.

Fewer Repetitions for PB

If you’re working to increase your one-rep max, it makes sense to do fewer, heavier repetitions. Gulf Physio“Three to six repetitions per set are ideal, and lifting closer to your maximum weight each set will improve strength development.”

“For maximum strength, look at one to six repetitions.” Maintaining performance“For heavier weights, train at high intensity and in a low rep range, which is great for deadlifts, squats, bench presses and Olympic lifts.”

Meanwhile, Sheridan says that beginners who are just looking to get in shape should aim for a maximum of 20 repetitions per set. “If you can do more than 20, you’re probably working with light or easy weights, which won’t help you improve or grow,” he warns.

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