Home Nutrition How many glasses of water should you drink on a daily basis?

How many glasses of water should you drink on a daily basis?

by Universalwellnesssystems
A woman takes a sip of water from a flask. — unsplash/file

Experts recommend that men consume 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of water per day and women 11.5 cups (2.7 liters). However, various environmental factors, such as temperature and health status, can affect your daily fluid needs.

The body loses water periodically throughout the day, primarily through urine, sweat, and normal body functions such as breathing.

To prevent dehydration symptoms, it is important to drink enough water through daily food and drink. It’s worth noting that experts have conflicting opinions regarding the optimal daily water intake.

Health experts once recommended the 8×8 rule: drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, the equivalent of 2 liters or 0.5 gallons.

However, some experts now recommend continuous water intake even when you are not thirsty due to various internal and external factors that influence an individual’s water needs. health line report.

Let’s separate fact from fiction and analyze research that explains how to easily stay hydrated to suit your personal needs.

How much water does your body need?

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends that adults drink 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of water each day for women and 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) for men.

This includes moisture from water, beverages, and food, with an average of 20% of water coming from food. The amount of water you need also depends on many other factors, so some people may need more water than others.

Where you live and the temperature can affect how much water you need. If you live in a hot, humid or dry region, or in a mountainous or high altitude area, you will need more water.

Additionally, consuming large amounts of coffee and other caffeinated beverages can cause you to lose more water through increased urination. If your diet includes a lot of salty, spicy, or sweet foods, you may need to drink more water.

If you don’t consume many hydration items such as fresh fruits and vegetables or cooked fruits and vegetables, you may need to drink extra water.

Active people need more water during the day, especially when walking or standing. When you exercise or engage in strenuous activity, you need more fluids to cover fluid loss.

If you spend a long time outdoors in the heat or in a heated room, you may become thirsty more easily.

Additionally, drinking more water is essential for people with infections, fever, fluid loss from vomiting or diarrhea, health conditions such as diabetes, and certain medications such as diuretics.

Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers also need to drink more water to stay hydrated as their bodies continue to work for several days.

Many factors influence the amount of water you need to stay healthy, including your health, activity level, and environment.

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