Home Mental Health How Leaders Can Better Prevent Mental Health Crises at Work

How Leaders Can Better Prevent Mental Health Crises at Work

by Universalwellnesssystems

Mental health was not an open topic when I started my career. The idea of ​​seeking treatment was very personal and even taboo. It just doesn’t work in today’s stressful world.

The importance of mental health is recognized as a tenet in every aspect of our lives, from home to school to work. At VCA Animal Hospital, mental health and well-being are a daily focus.

Many believe that the veterinary field has long been mentally challenged because veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and others in the field face more challenges and psychological stresses on a daily basis than most can imagine. You may not be aware that you have faced health and welfare issues.

Mental health and well-being issues in veterinary medicine

My time with the hospital team has made clear the joys this field brings and the challenges employees must overcome.

Many of us experience the pain of losing a pet, but what many do not consider is the impact these losses will have on the veterinary team that cares for them. ‘s gentle companions must deal with loss and death on a daily basis while deeply caring for animals. Beloved pets we’ve cared for since they were kittens and puppies can pass away in the arms of doctors and technicians. Our team must then gracefully and compassionately turn to the next patient. They handle a golden retriever in the morning, a Maine Coon cat before lunch, and a hamster in the afternoon, supporting, educating, and reassuring their pet owners, and sometimes even crying with them.

Compassion fatigue is not the only commonality between hospital teams and human medicine. Veterinary professionals also face burnout, anxiety and depression because of the stressors they face every day.

Supporting mental health and well-being of associates

Since joining VCA last year, I have traveled to many locations, had meaningful conversations with employees, and learned first-hand the ups and downs they face. We have developed several initiatives designed to support the mental health and well-being of hospital teams.

One of the most impactful changes we made was adding on-site clinical social workers to some large hospitals. These social workers provide emotional support to both clients and associates during difficult situations. In fact, we are so impressed with the positive impact these licensed professionals have had on our employees, clients and hospital culture that we are adding more social workers to our health and wellbeing team. I keep doing

One particularly compelling example of the value of expanding the network of social workers was seen during a recent visit to VCA West Coast hospitals. There the team shared a story about his K9 officer, Cannon, who is 5 years old. Cannon they have come to care and love for several years. Earlier this year, Cannon suffered heat stroke while training and was rushed to our team for treatment. Even that didn’t save Cannon. He tragically succumbed to his injuries and died later that night. Social workers on the ground took action, minimizing emotional labor and providing coping tools to meaningfully impact this team.

We are encouraged by the results we see and the feedback that our efforts to support our employees have led to improved well-being for more than 35,000 associates. We hope others can learn from our work.

Ending mental health stigma

It’s hard to admit that you may need professional help, and it’s hard to seek professional help when there’s a negative stigma that creates barriers. By working at , you can create a workplace where mental health issues are not taboo. At VCA, we see this through candid conversations between associates who give each other authentic answers to typical small talk questions. A simple “How are you?” gives your teammates the chance to support each other and answer seriously.

In addition to thoughtful peer-to-peer interactions, our managers are becoming more attentive and more comfortable raising concerns when they notice changes in team member behavior at work. Previously, you may not have wanted to pry if someone seemed withdrawn or tired. Now we raise our voices and ask questions like, “How are you feeling?” and “How can I help?” Simple displays of concern can go a long way when a person is experiencing depression or anxiety. So we can help direct them to our mental health resources. For example, I’ve heard from associates who feel that this proactive approach has saved their lives. Waiting until team members are in crisis is not an option.

It’s encouraging to see the strong acceptance of the programs we offer, including free access to the Headspace meditation app and free access to coaches and counselors through Lyra Health. We are especially proud that no Associate is left behind. Whether they work he one day a week or full-time, their mental health is an issue and company-paid resources are provided.

Making mental health a common topic is very important in helping people in need. Noticing changes and trying to understand why is much better than waiting for a major incident. Everyone needs to feel safe and know it’s okay to ask for help.

Practice Emotional Leadership with Intention

Mental health is no longer an optional topic for leaders. Today, it’s more important than ever for leaders to lead with empathy, compassion, and care for their team’s well-being.

I have seen this compassionate leadership firsthand through VCA President Dr. Todd Lavender. Dr. Lavender was first a veterinarian and comes from a family of veterinarians, so he knows what it’s like to work on the front lines of a hospital, from joy to sorrow. His connection and deep understanding meant I didn’t have to convince him to care or invest in health and well-being support.

Other leaders have also shown that there is no shame in asking for help when things get tough. The first chapter of our ‘Making Time for Mental Health’ series will feature a series of dialogues in which one of our longtime leaders will share a never-before-shared I shared my candid and honest perspective on my private mental health journey. Having this leader come forward has been encouraging and very influential. He emphasized that people regularly seek treatment to deal with physical ailments, and that we need to think about mental health in the same way.

Encourage leaders at all levels within your organization to prioritize mental health and talk openly about their journey when they are comfortable. Mental health should be fully non-judgmental and supported by leadership as a normal part of the employment experience.

interrupt one’s daily work

In the veterinary sector, the demand for care has increased significantly. In 2021 alone, our hospital team cared for his record 4.5 million pets. We all had moments when we looked up and realized we had worked straight up to lunch. Instead of jumping from meeting to meeting, imagine jumping from one patient’s treatment to the next. Rather than encouraging constant effort, it is imperative to encourage the team to make time to experience meaningful moments of self-reflection. We are intentionally creating a culture of making time for these moments at work in three ways:

  1. Encourage employees to step back during their busy days, create time and space to pause and check in with yourself. Many of our hospitals have created meditation or calm rooms with dimmable soft lighting, ceiling cloud wallpaper and comfortable furniture. Even a minute of meditation can make a meaningful impact.
  2. Encourage associates to take time for self-care for themselves when they need it. It helps to have direct access to a mental health professional who can support you on that journey. That’s why we introduced her Lyra and why we’re expanding our network of hospital-based social workers. Each social worker has a built-in hospital team that provides training, resources, and support.
  3. Evaluate and implement hospital changes to make it easier for Associates to care for pets, removes the barriers that have come to be accepted as “the way things have been done”. It can be as simple as upgrading old or cumbersome technology, or as complicated as rethinking how your team collaborates.

In any profession, it’s easy to get caught up in the vortex of daily deadlines. We must create a space for our employees to appreciate and recognize their inner world.

looking ahead

Having a safety net available for those in need of emergency support is important, but some of the most impactful work that can be done in this area is to avoid reaching crisis situations. I believe that this is preventive work for

It is very important for all leaders to understand that organizations thrive when their employees feel fulfilled and supported. By sharing the mental health-promoting behaviors that the VCA employs, we hope to encourage others to use these tools in their organizations.

We believe mental health support should be the foundation of every company. Together, we must make intentional and daily decisions to put well-being first, for ourselves and our team.

Image courtesy of VCA Animal Hospital

This series of articles is sponsored by Mars and produced by the TriplePundit editorial team.

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