Home Fitness How doing simple exercise soleus push ups at your desk can improve metabolic health and burn fat

How doing simple exercise soleus push ups at your desk can improve metabolic health and burn fat

by Universalwellnesssystems

Groundbreaking study reveals this small exercise you can do while sitting burns fat fast and could change the health of billions of sedentary workers forever

  • Scientists reveal major health benefits of doing simple exercise
  • Soleus push-ups can be performed seated by repeatedly lifting the heel off the ground
  • The soleus muscle is part of the calf and can be worked without tiring.
  • Twenty-five participants performed 270 minutes of soleus push-ups throughout the day
  • Researchers have found it improves blood sugar levels and speeds up metabolism

New research shows that just one quick, easy exercise can significantly boost your metabolism and burn fat.

Researchers at the University of Houston found that performing soleus push-ups continuously, even while sitting, boosted metabolism and improved blood sugar regulation.

of study The soleus muscle is a large muscle that runs along the back of the lower leg and is essential for standing, walking, and running.

Scientists recently found that exercising your soleus muscle by simply lifting your heels repeatedly while sitting is more effective at regulating blood sugar than exercise, weight loss, or intermittent fasting.

Researchers have found that performing the “flounder push-up,” which works powerful muscles along the back of the leg, can improve metabolic health and burn fat.

Dr. Andrew Huberman, a popular neuroscientist, spoke about the research on his podcast Huberman Lab, saying that for people who want to improve their health but don’t have the time to move and exercise as much as they want, this is a great option. He said the study was “very exciting.”

How to do flounder push-ups?

Your aim is to shorten the calf muscles.

  1. Sit with your feet flat on the floor and your muscles relaxed.
  2. Raise your heels, keeping your toes on the ground.
  3. When your heels are on top, release them and bring them back to the ground.

It is similar to walking while seated.

However, it can be maintained for longer periods of time because it consumes more energy and does not tire the muscles.

sauce: medium.com

“This study focuses on how people who are sedentary all day, have little physical activity, and do little physical activity can improve their metabolism and glucose utilization,” he said. explained.

“We had people do soleus push-ups continuously and looked at things like blood sugar utilization…they looked at things like metabolism.”

Soleus push-ups can be performed by sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor, then raising your heels with your toes on the ground, then undone and repeating.

The soleus muscle is so powerful that it never burns out or gets tired.

“You can actually walk on this muscle all day and most of the time you won’t get sore,” says Dr. Andrews.

This study focused on 25 men and women of various ages, body mass indices, and fitness levels to determine whether 270 minutes or 4 1/2 hours of soleus push-ups each day affected metabolism and blood sugar levels. confirmed.

“People who performed these soleus push-ups experienced dramatic improvements in blood sugar regulation and metabolism despite the fact that the soleus muscle represents only 1% of total muscle tissue,” says Dr. Andrews. Told.

There was a 52% improvement in glycemic excursions and a 60% reduction in postprandial insulin requirements.

Four hours of soleus push-ups with breaks in between reduced blood fat levels and doubled fat metabolism.

Soleus push-ups are performed by sitting or standing with your feet flat on the floor, then with your toes on the ground and heels up, back down and repeat.

Soleus push-ups are performed by sitting or standing with your feet flat on the floor, then with your toes on the ground and heels up, back down and repeat.

According to lead researcher Mark Hamilton, simple repetitive exercise can maintain a “raised oxidative metabolism” for hours, improve blood sugar regulation and burn fat.

“I never dreamed that this muscle could have such a capability. I have never studied the

“When activated correctly, the soleus muscle can elevate local oxidative metabolism to high levels over hours rather than minutes.”


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