Home Products How do you get cervical cancer? Survivor issues warning on two early symptoms

How do you get cervical cancer? Survivor issues warning on two early symptoms

by Universalwellnesssystems

Ah Cancer survivor who experienced severe vaginal bleeding Before undergoing the grueling treatment to remove a large vascular tumor from her cervix, she feels like “someone popped the balloon” and wants to send a positive message to other women. It is the diagnosis of cervical cancer “It’s not the death penalty.”

Joanne Painter of Northampton was diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer at age 38 after noticing an unusual discharge. Experiencing unusually heavy bleeding Several months.

The mother of two, founder and managing director of Natural Green Cemetery and Humanist Funeral Master, said the bleeding was so bad that it “looked like someone broke the balloon or spun it.” I felt it,” he said. Tap “.

Joan, now 43, said doctors repeatedly told her she wasn’t worried and was initially misdiagnosed as having cervical ectropion (the cells inside the cervix growing outside the cervix). .Don’t ignore.

After seeking a diagnosis, in February 2018, Joan received the news of cervical cancer and said she was “stunned.” But now, as a survivor looking back on the past five years, Joanne wants to raise awareness of the importance of early treatment. Detect and “stay positive”.

“You know your body better than anyone. If something isn’t right, don’t be fooled by a practitioner or doctor or anyone who says ‘okay’ … go on, get screened, get vaccinated.” please receive You can and don’t think no,” said Joanne.

“Obviously, the sooner the diagnosis is made, the more likely it is.”

Cervical cancer, a cancer that can be found anywhere in the cervix (the opening between the vagina and the uterus), currently kills two women in the UK every day, according to the charity Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust. increase.

A cervical screening, known as a smear, is a test that checks the health of the cervix and can help prevent cancer, but in Joan’s case, previous smear results prior to diagnosis were negative.

At age 38, Joanne noticed an unusual discharge that she described as “very watery,” so she called her GP and made an appointment.

She said the doctors were “not at all concerned,” but after a few days she began experiencing vaginal bleeding that gradually got worse.

Joanne was initially diagnosed with cervical ectropion, likening the bleeding to a “light period.” “This is not right.”

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During a trip to the theater with a friend, she said, “I could feel this ‘pop’ and my legs were bleeding.”

On another occasion, during a trip to Australia, she bled “for almost 24 hours of the flight”, which “reached up to her seat on the plane”.

Joan says: Even sitting on the toilet for 20 minutes at a time felt like someone had popped a balloon or turned on the faucet.

“That’s when I started thinking, ‘Oh, this doesn’t seem right.’ At that point, I was really, really tired.

“I had two children, ages 4 and 7. I was working full time and blamed the fatigue on that…[but]obviously I was losing a good amount of blood. I will go back to my doctor again.

Joanne was referred to a genealogist at Northampton General Hospital, but her husband, Neil, 48, a builder, had taken her to the hospital earlier because her clothes were bleeding again at dinner.

She said doctors initially denied her symptoms, but after staying overnight and trying to stop the bleeding, Joan was told the next morning by a gynecologist consultant:

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She was informed that she had cervical cancer, had a biopsy done, had various scans and an MRI, then found a 6cm vascular tumor on her cervix that could not be removed without surgery. It became clear that treatment was necessary without

“To be honest, I was in complete disbelief … I remember just sitting there and being completely speechless,” said Joan.

“I wasn’t particularly upset, but is this really happening?

“Then, within about 30 minutes, a McMillan nurse appeared under my bed and introduced herself. I think that was the moment it sank. The reality of having a teacher. Sitting on the edge of the bed is not good news.”

Joanne explained that hearing the news was even more difficult because she lost her father to cancer nine years ago.

“I was sitting there thinking, my father died of cancer and now they are telling me I might have cancer and I have four I have kids ages 1 and 7 and I had to get through this because I can’t be there for them,” Joanne explained.

“Immediately, this overwhelming need to survive hit me.”

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Joan believes her positive mindset was fundamental to surviving the treatment, which consisted of six weeks of chemoradiation followed by three weeks of brachytherapy.

The mother of two explained that the chemotherapy she received didn’t cause her hair to fall out, but she felt “horrified” at times.

She experienced extreme fatigue and chronic diarrhea, and said she felt “a bit of a hangover, like I had 20 glasses of tequila.” Especially for her children.

“You can’t hang on to it, you just have to get through it,” said Joanne.

“You don’t want[your kids]to see you upset and you don’t want them to think you’re that poor, so you just crack…

I didn’t want anyone to feel sorry for me. I didn’t want to be defined as ‘Joe with cancer’ so I just got through this and got through it and thought it wasn’t so bad. “

Three months after completing her treatment, Joanne returned to the hospital for tests and received the “great” news that the tumor was gone.

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Although Joan said it “took a long time to recover” and described the aftereffects of treatment such as entering menopause as a “train accident,” she believes in having a good support network, exercise, and “self-care.” Gently” in rehabilitation.

Joan is also a “true believer in the Law of Attraction and sending it out into the universe,” and writing affirmations has been very helpful, she said.

“These things take time, so people probably need to know that[they]will bounce back and then feel completely 100 percent and life will never go back to normal,” she said. Told.

“I think there are a few adjustments in life, just embracing the new you. . “

Joanne has had routine check-ups every few months and has had “a few wobbles over the years,” but she’s been telling other women who may have been diagnosed with cervical cancer “this tunnel of fear.” “Please don’t give up. It’s a death sentence,” he added, adding, “You’ve got everything to live for.”

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week takes place January 23-29, and Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust launches its biggest campaign ever, #WeCan End Cervical Cancer, in an effort to make cervical cancer a thing of the past To do.

You can check the details by visiting . Click here for the website.

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