Home Fitness How do you age well? Ask this super fit Korean couple, 62 and 57, going viral on Instagram

How do you age well? Ask this super fit Korean couple, 62 and 57, going viral on Instagram

by Universalwellnesssystems

Mr. Kim works as head of overseas business development at the distribution and marketing company that Mr. Kang founded in 2008. At the office, they both wear crisp white dress shirts and suit jackets.

Fans love seeing the happy moments the couple spend with their son and daughter. Photo: Courtesy of Kim Sunok

And there are family photos and videos, including one from their daughter’s recent wedding in California, where Kim took part in her first dance and an emotional Kang embraced her after her wedding dress was revealed.

The couple agree that they’re aging well: They say they’re healthier and happier now than they were when they were younger, and it’s not just because they have 292,000 followers on social media or because they’re healthier and slimmer than they used to be.

Three years ago, Kim (right) started working at the company that Kang (left) founded in 2008. Photo: Courtesy of Kim Sunok

These are unexpected byproducts of what they say are the most important ingredients for growing old well together: continuing to challenge themselves and understanding each other better.

Become popular online It adds new and exciting dimensions and brings new opportunities, but it wasn’t planned.

Their online journey began in 2022 when their daughter posted a video on TikTok of the family of four working out together in the backyard of their California Airbnb.

Captioned “POV: Insanely healthy Asian parents visiting LA from Korea. All they care about is training, protein and sportswear,” the video shows Kim and a shirtless Kang performing kettlebell deadlifts.

The scene then cuts to the family shopping for workout clothes, and as Kim emerges from a fitting room, she could easily be mistaken for a model for an athletic clothing brand.

The video, along with a shorter one posted by her daughter afterwards, went viral, with people around the world falling in love with this new breed of mature Asian parents. Lift weights to stay in shape.

Kim now manages an Instagram account, where she posts short videos that offer a glimpse into her and Kang’s life.

“We thought seriously about running this account because it means exposing our private lives. For some people, social media is a job, a way to earn an income, but not for us. We’re putting our lives out there for everyone to see,” Kim said.

“We had a lot of young people who dreamed of growing old like us and it motivated them to start exercising. We ultimately decided that this way we could spread a positive impact.”

Kim and Kang say they’ve been relatively active throughout their lives, but never as healthy as they are now.

For Kang, sticking to a strict diet was a non-negotiable while preparing for her “Body Profile” photo shoot. Photo: Courtesy of Kim Sunok

That all changed about two years ago, when Kang decided to try her hand at “body profile” photography. The concept of having a professional pose in a studio to show off her toned physique is particularly popular in South Korea, where many use it as motivation to get in the best shape of their life.

In addition to running his own company, Kang works as an adjunct professor in a local university’s executive MBA program.

In 2021, he publicly committed to doing the photoshoot during an interview with his school’s publication, when he was asked to name one thing on his bucket list and this was high on it.

We have common hobbies, and now that we’ve both gotten healthy, I feel really happy when I think about the activities we can do together.

Kim Sunok

“I had just turned 60, and when I saw a lot of young people taking profile photos online, I thought I’d give it a try,” Kang said. Kim agreed to take part.

They spent an entire year preparing for the photoshoot, undergoing rigorous training and nutritional regimens.

Kim said that hitting the gym with weights is the best way to get in the best shape of her life. Photo: Courtesy of Kim Sunok

He was so committed to the process that he would bring his own salads to business meals and lunches with university dignitaries.

The results of her preparations were evident in her profile photos, which highlighted her figure. Well-toned six-pack abs And a strong, toned body.

The couple acknowledge that the photo shoot was a turning point.

Here are some workouts Kim has tried so far: swimming and PilatesWeightlifting Get a slim and toned figure, lower back pain She once suffered from it.

It’s also helped strengthen their bond, which is why Kim says she’s happier now than she was when she was younger.

When she started working for Kang’s company three years ago, her understanding of her partner had already begun to deepen.

“Knowing what my husband does all day, how many meetings he has and how much time he spends on all of this has helped me understand him better and improved our relationship,” she said.

“Now that we have common hobbies and are staying healthy together, I feel really happy when I think about what activities we can do together in the future. It gives us a lot of positive energy,” Kim said.

The pair continue to stick to the healthy habits they picked up while preparing for the photo shoot: They hit the gym together five days a week, doing 60 minutes of strength training and 30 minutes of cardio.

They generally eat a healthy, balanced diet, but now that the photoshoot is over there are no restrictions.

In an Instagram post from their tropical getaway, the couple munches down on a rainbow salad. Photo: Instagram/@okdong_fit

They have a strong “reason” for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and it’s not to keep growing their social media accounts.

“As we get older, the most important thing is health. My father lung cancer“And I realized that when you lose your health, you can’t do anything. It’s sad for the family too,” Kim said.

“I tell my daughter and son that one of the reasons we train so hard is so that our whole family can be happy. I tell them, ‘You train so that you don’t have to worry about your mom and dad.'”

We plan to take on further challenges in the future.

“Later this year, Becoming a senior model“We hope to write a book about our experience of healthy aging and inspire others,” Kang said.

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