Home Fitness How do Americans prioritize themselves when it comes to their fitness?

How do Americans prioritize themselves when it comes to their fitness?

by Universalwellnesssystems


Do it for you — A new study finds that three in five Americans are motivated to start a new fitness routine in 2024 to help themselves look good.

A poll of 2,000 US adults found that over the next 12 months, people will prioritize themselves when it comes to fitness: losing a certain amount of weight (43%), overall Aiming to improve physical strength (43%) and overall physical strength and mobility (35%).

However, it will take some time before you can see a noticeable difference in the mirror. The average person believes that a new fitness regime needs to be followed for six weeks before a physical difference is visible.

And 54% said it was “easier” to maintain their routine once they saw results for themselves.

However, 48% are concerned that they may lose motivation to get fit, and 65% believe that their motivation to improve their fitness levels will actually wane over time.

A survey of 2,000 people found that fitness self-care is on the rise. Vasil – Stock.adobe.com

According to respondents, motivation to continue lasts for about four weeks before new stimulation is needed.

This survey optimal nutrition A survey conducted by OnePoll found that the majority of Americans' diets influence their level of fitness motivation (89%).

Nearly three in 10 (29%) believe they don't get enough protein in their diet, either 'always' (19%) or often (40%).

The average person believes it takes six weeks to start seeing results from a new fitness routine. SWNY

Gen ). Additionally, more than three in five women (35%) think they don't get enough protein, compared to 23% of men.

Although the average person eats two meals a day without protein, 61% believe they are likely to increase their protein intake to achieve their fitness goals.

Three out of five Americans are motivated to start a new habit to feel healthier. SWNY

As people reflect on their health over the next 12 months, the most common experiences of feeling unwell include being frequently short of breath (49%) and trying on clothes that no longer fit (46%). %) It is included.

More than a quarter (29%) said they were unable to walk up stairs without feeling the wind and found themselves feeling unwell.

97% of Americans recognize that their diet affects their health and appearance. SWNY

Overall, half are optimistic about the future of fitness and believe their best physical days are still ahead of them.

“Of course, it takes time to notice a physical difference in yourself,” said Jim Hogan, Optimum Nutrition Brand Director. “But when you first start a new fitness routine, that moment of realization is powerful. It's the encouragement that what you're doing is working and that your own goals are achievable.” is the motivation people need to maintain their fitness habits. ”

92% of Americans have fitness goals they want to achieve within the next 12 months. SWNY

Top 7 fitness goals people have for 2024

  • Lose a certain amount of weight – 43%
  • Increased overall health – 43%
  • Increased overall mobility – 35%
  • Muscle gain – 32%
  • Body composition (lose fat and gain muscle) – 26%
  • Maintain current weight – 18%
  • Fixed amount of weight gain – 8%

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