Home Products How can I find out if I have prostate cancer? A urologist explains

How can I find out if I have prostate cancer? A urologist explains

by Universalwellnesssystems

Editor’s note: Dr. Jamin Brahmbhatt is a urologist and robotic surgeon at Orlando Health and past president of the Florida Urological Society..


Prostate cancer remains a significant concern in my practice, so I emphasize the importance of early detection.of American Cancer Society It is estimated that nearly 300,000 new cases of prostate cancer and approximately 35,000 deaths will occur in 2024.

One important tool for diagnosing and treating this common cancer is the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test. This is a simple blood test that provides valuable insight into the health of your prostate. Men should be tested annually by age 50. You may need to start as early as age 40 if you have a family history, risk factors, or are black.

Prostate-specific antigen testing is the basis for early detection of prostate cancer. When combined with other diagnostic tests and clinical evaluations, prostate cancer surgery and radiation treatment results can help identify prostate cancer in its early stages, when cure is most likely.

Regular PSA screening is especially important for people at high risk, such as those with a family history of prostate cancer or the elderly. Blood tests are also essential for the average man during his annual checkup with his doctor.

Conditions such as an enlarged prostate, recent sexual activity, and prostate infections can all contribute to elevated PSA levels, which can cause unnecessary alarm. By considering these factors in conjunction with PSA test results, healthcare providers can provide more informed guidance and avoid unnecessary interventions.

Prostate-specific antigen testing is also evolving beyond its traditional limits due to advances in urine and blood molecular testing and imaging technology.

Blood and urine-based tests allow us to pinpoint specific genetic markers associated with prostate cancer, providing insight into each patient’s unique risk profile.

When combined with a traditional PSA test, these tests provide a more comprehensive picture of a patient’s prostate health and cancer risk. These tests, combined with the initial PSA, can help determine who would benefit most from further investigation, such as a prostate biopsy.

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Men should get a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test annually by age 50.

Prostate MRI technology provides a detailed, high-resolution view of the prostate gland. This can help identify suspicious lesions within the prostate that may harbor prostate cancer. These “hot spots” are targeted using MRI fusion technology, where the MRI image is fused to a live ultrasound image during a prostate biopsy. This imaging tool allows for more accurate detection of cancer during a prostate biopsy.

Combining these additional tests may improve the ability to detect prostate cancer and ultimately lead to more effective and personalized treatments.

Increasing prostate cancer testing and detection in black men

Recent research and guidelines prostate cancer foundation Highlights important updates in prostate cancer screening for black men. Recognizing the increased risk, the guidelines recommend starting baseline PSA testing between ages 40 and 45 years, earlier than current recommendations by other organizations. Regular screening (preferably once a year) should continue at least until he is 70 years old. These updates aim to address disparities in prostate cancer outcomes for Black men and provide essential screening recommendations that save lives.

Lowering the recommended age for baseline PSA testing for black men could reduce prostate cancer deaths by about 30% without significantly increasing overdiagnosis rates. According to recent research results. Doing so highlights the importance of tailored screening approaches to high-risk populations, particularly black men. About twice They are more likely to be diagnosed with and die from prostate cancer than white men.

The PSA test remains an important tool in the detection of prostate cancer, offering men the opportunity for early intervention and improved outcomes. It is important to stay up to date on screening guidelines and understand your individual risk factors. By prioritizing proactive health care and engaging in open discussions with their health care providers, men can take control of their prostate health and help reduce the burden of prostate cancer in their communities. .

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