Home Fitness Hollywood’s Favorite Trainer Shares Fitness Tips

Hollywood’s Favorite Trainer Shares Fitness Tips

by Universalwellnesssystems

Its client list is as diverse as its training methods, and when it comes to over 28 years of experience in the fitness industry, only one star personal trainer has a resume that boasts a dynamic approach, boundless energy and good humor. No: Gunnar Peterson (yes, the trainer who shaped Jennifer Lopez and Khloe Kardashian’s physiques). It goes without saying that he knows a thing or two about fitness and how to reach your fitness goals (and how to look great while exercising).

Whether your Pilates or Hot Girl Walk streak is hitting because your couch and Netflix beckoning so many times, or you’re dangling your neck on a work deadline, your motivation could use some serious words of encouragement. Even if there is no expiry date to revert. About exercise trends. Luckily, Peterson gave us the best fitness tips to get his routine back on track. Ahead, here are five of his tried-and-true techniques you’ll want to try for yourself (actually, you’re going to be a workout buddy with J.Lo, right?).

Gunnar Peterson

Personal Trainer, #TeamBiosteel Athlete, F45 Athletics Chief

Gunnar Peterson is a Beverly Hills-based personal trainer whose clients include celebrities, professional athletes, and the general public. He is widely known for his functional training expertise and commitment to developing and implementing innovative fitness techniques.

1. Hydration

I hate to say it, but you’re probably not drinking enough water. Ask any expert and they’ll tell you that hydration is fundamental to health and wellness, and Peterson is no exception. “Hydration and recovery are often overlooked as a key component of his fitness routine, especially continuous hydration,” he confirmed. “Yes, you should be actively hydrated and focused on staying hydrated during your workout, but most people don’t stay hydrated throughout the day.” If you find yourself physically tired, you may not have had enough H20 beforehand. “It’s simple: if you don’t perform at your best, you’re less likely to keep going,” he testifies.

How much water should you drink each day?As a general rule of thumb, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends that women About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of water per dayPeterson’s view? “Definitely drink a lot more water than you think you should.” Start with a glass of water first thing in the morning and flavor the water with fruit, cucumber, or herbs such as mint. , set small goals to drink a certain amount of water in an hour or by lunch.

2. Think of every day as a new start

You pause your gym sessions (and you’re still paying for your monthly gym membership) and tell yourself you can start tomorrow. Sound familiar? The hardest part is getting started, so why not finish today? “If you find yourself off track, there’s never been a better day to get back on track,” Peterson recommended. “We’re all busy, but you shouldn’t be too busy to commit and show up for yourself. Don’t overthink how long it’s been since you last worked out, start today.”

By revisiting why you want to make fitness a priority in the first place, you can rekindle your heart. Is it to build confidence, improve mood, or improve sleep? Write it down and remind yourself of your “why” whenever you struggle to find motivation to go to the gym (bus Put a picture or words that describe it on the mirror in your room).

3. Focus on the basics

Whether it’s a new job, a relationship, or a training program, it’s easy to want cash. But if you do it too quickly, it can burn out and deplete you, and before you know it, you’re back at square one. “You don’t have to work hard every time to get a good workout, you just need to be challenged and enjoy what you’re doing,” Peterson said. “Fitness success is up to you to find out what works best for your body and what the challenges are, but if you stick to the basics of motivation, movement and consistency, you’re already on your way to your next goal. It’s a great start.”

Take a tip from Peterson. Make sure your sweat session is enjoyable and listen to your body. If your favorite exercise makes you yawn more than anything else, or if it’s stagnating, it’s time to change it (anything like Taylor Swift’s treadmill workout?). If your body tells you to slow down (i.e. you’re exhausted outside the gym, get sick frequently, or have an injury), go for a walk, do yoga stretches, or 1 Take more days off (they are just as important, FYI). Bottom line: Prioritize exercise that’s fun, healthy, and realistic.

4. Don’t underestimate achievements

We are used to instant gratification (look at you, snooze button, TikTok, Amazon Prime). “The psychological aspect of fitness can be the biggest obstacle. We’re always the toughest critics,” said Peterson. “Get out of your way and give yourself credit for what you’ve done.” Peterson cautioned us to celebrate small victories, even if we haven’t reached the end goal yet. “Focus on what you’ve been doing and what you’re going to keep doing!” he said.

Use a journal or app to track your progress and reward yourself for each small goal you complete. Biologically speaking, when you give yourself positive reinforcement, our brain releases dopamine, which motivates actions towards our desired goals. So consider buying a new Workout Fit, using the PTO for all your self-care, or ordering your favorite takeout to give yourself a pat on the back.

5. If it doesn’t work, try something new

Progress towards fitness goals (or any other goal) isn’t always linear. You may have to change course to achieve it. “If he’s doing a routine that doesn’t feel effective and he’s not seeing results, it may be time to change,” he suggested, Peterson. This is especially true if you do the same workout over and over again, lift the same weights, and do the same runs. Both your mind and body already know what to expect. ” This doesn’t mean you have to ditch your current training regimen entirely. Rather, Peterson recommended trying adding small stimuli, such as adding weight, increasing the number of repetitions, or adding hill running to your treadmill routine.

But if your mind and body are craving something completely different, look no further than types of workout classes you’ve never tried, like rebounds and dance cardio, or fitness platforms that offer a variety of workouts. Sign up (see below). Alomoves, Sculpture Societyagain Nike Training Club). Find a new form of exercise that you enjoy and you might get stronger while doing it!

6. Keep moving

There is a common misconception that you need to sweat for a few hours or hard (I should know, I used to buy it). However, Peterson revealed that that was far from the truth. If you move, you’ll feel the benefits of releasing endorphins throughout the day.”

Recent research found that daily short bursts of physical activity throughout the day lead to 50% reduction in deaths from cardiovascular disease, compared to those who did not exercise at all. Translation: Small amounts of movement can increase your life expectancy. or take a brisk walk around the city block. Still using the excuse that you don’t have time to exercise?

I Tried Taylor Swift’s Treadmill Workout for a Week

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