Home Nutrition Highly processed foods are linked to early death, study finds

Highly processed foods are linked to early death, study finds

by Universalwellnesssystems

There is growing evidence that excessive consumption of highly processed foods such as hot dogs, potato chips, soda and ice cream can have consequences other than obesity and high cholesterol.

a study Published Monday in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, it estimated that about 57,000 Brazilian deaths between the ages of 30 and 69 in 2019 were attributable to the consumption of ultra-processed foods. This represents his more than 10% of annual premature deaths for that age group in Brazil.

The authors say their study is the first to estimate the effect of ultra-processed foods on the risk of premature death.

In this study, previous analysiscompared the relative risk of death among those who consumed large amounts of processed food and those who ate relatively little. The authors applied the model to the Brazilian population and consumption levels of ultra-processed foods. From there, they estimated the number of premature deaths that could have been prevented in people aged 30 to 69 if they ate less of that type of food. , world health organization At these ages, death from non-communicable diseases is considered premature.

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Eduardo Nilsson, a nutrition researcher at the University of Sao Paulo and lead author of the study, said that “heart disease could very well be one of the main factors contributing to these premature deaths.” Diabetes, cancer, obesity and chronic kidney disease may play a similar role, he said.

“Ultra-processed” foods contain more artificial ingredients than just added salt, sugar, or oil. Contains other additives. Instant noodles, frozen pizza, and store-bought cookies usually fall into this category.

According to Nilsson, in Brazil, the most highly processed foods that contribute to daily caloric intake are mass-produced breads, cakes and pies. margarine; salted crackers; cookies; meat products such as hams, hot dogs, and hamburgers; pizza; and sugary drinks.

Nilsson and his collaborators found that ensuring that all adults in Brazil had less than 23% of their daily calories from ultra-processed foods could reduce premature deaths by about 20,000 per year in the country. I assume there is. Most Brazilians are already below that threshold, but a quarter of the country’s adult population gets up to 50 percent of his calories per day from ultra-processed foods, says Nilson. said Mr.

U.S. market dominated by ultra-processed foods about 57% of daily calories on average. On that basis, Nilsson believes the United States can expect many more premature deaths associated with this type of food.

Numerous studies have linked ultra-processed foods with other adverse health effects. Diabetes, cognitive decline, Heart disease When cancerAn August study found that Italians who consumed large amounts of ultra-processed foods High overall risk of death.

Maura Walker, an assistant professor of nutrition at Boston University who was not involved in the new study, said the study did not directly show that consumption of ultra-processed foods causes premature death, only that there was an association. But the connection makes sense, she said.

“These ultra-processed foods are likely just one factor in causing high blood pressure, low blood lipids, and increased waist circumference, and indeed have been linked to mortality.” Walker said.

She added that ideally people could replace ultra-processed foods with fresher fruits and vegetables, but with food desserts that rely on one supermarket or dollar store for groceries, It is not always possible.

Ultra-processed foods are often identifiable by a long list of ingredients, many of which you can’t usually find in your own kitchen.

But not everything in this category is harmful, according to Dr. Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. For example, whole-grain breads and whole-grain breakfast cereals can be considered ultra-processed, but they are also sources of fiber, which can lower your risk. Heart disease Also cancer.

Willett also said there may be little benefit to replacing ultra-processed foods with certain items, such as red meat or foods cooked in butter. It may increase the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.

That’s why it’s important to focus on avoiding certain foods that are highly associated with early death risk. 184,000 adult deaths every year around the world.

In general, there’s no question that Brazilians, Americans, and many others eat too much junk food,” Willett said.

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