Home Products Highly pathogenic avian flu: New strain kills hundreds of snow geese in Colorado

Highly pathogenic avian flu: New strain kills hundreds of snow geese in Colorado

by Universalwellnesssystems


New Strain of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza – Commonly Called bird-flu About 1,600 snow geese have been killed in two separate areas of Colorado since November, according to state wildlife officials.

Unlike previous strains of the disease in North America, the strain “causes widespread mortality in some species of wild birds, particularly snow geese, raptors and vultures.” Colorado Parks and Wildlife Spokesperson Bill Vaughlin said in a statement to CNN on Monday.

Officials began receiving reports of sick and dead snow geese in northeastern Colorado in late 2022. Several waterways in Morgan and Logan counties have recorded more than 1,000 deaths.

Officials then heard of “massive deaths” in the southeastern part of the state.

“Approximately 600 snow geese have died at John Martin Reservoir,” the statement said, noting the low death toll in surrounding reservoirs.

After highly pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed in a particular species and county, the Wildlife Department will not test additional birds of that species within that county until the next season, but additional deaths are still counted. , said the statement.

Disease-carrying birds can carry the disease to new areas during migration, exposing poultry to the virus. US Department of Agriculture Say.

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