Home Products High stress raises odds of cognitive problems after age 45

High stress raises odds of cognitive problems after age 45

by Universalwellnesssystems

People over the age of 45 with high stress levels were found to be 37% more likely to have cognitive problems, including memory and thinking problems, than those who were not stressed. Research published in the journal JAMA Network Open.

Over 10 years, the study has followed 24,448 people and is part of a long-term, ongoing study of brain health. Periodically, researchers used standardized tests to determine the cognitive status of each participant. Their stress levels (including emotions and situations beyond their ability to cope) were self-assessed. Approximately 23% of participants reported high levels of stress.

stress It is considered a natural reaction when a person is under pressure. In the short term, it can provide positive motivation. For example, you can complete a project or hit the brakes to avoid an accident. However, chronic stress can lead to a variety of physical and mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, headaches, heart disease, high blood pressure, and sleep problems.

The study’s findings add cognitive issues to that list, and researchers determined the risk of cognitive decline — also known as mild cognitive impairment (MCI) — was greater among the most stressed participants, regardless of age, race, or gender.

The American Psychological Association points out: reduce stress Not only should it make you feel better, but it should protect your health in the long run. How you do this will vary from person to person, but according to the APA, it starts with identifying the sources of your stress and making a plan to deal with it.

This article is part of The Post’s “Big Number” series, which briefly looks at the statistical aspects of health problems. Additional information and related studies are available via hyperlinks.

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