Home Products High blood pressure linked to air pollution and heavy traffic

High blood pressure linked to air pollution and heavy traffic

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Experts say air pollution can affect people living near highways.Amos Chapple/Stossie
  • Study finds that traffic-related air pollution is associated with significant increases in blood pressure in car passengers.
  • Researchers report that elevated blood pressure is comparable to other cardiovascular risk factors, such as physical inactivity and excessive salt intake..
  • Experts note that cabin air filters and other filtration devices, including masks, can reduce exposure to dangerous air pollution particles..

Maybe people who wear masks when driving alone aren’t so stupid after all.

of N95 mask The air used to prevent the spread of COVID-19 may also remove highway air pollution, which can cause severe and persistent increases in blood pressure, a new study says. stated in the study.

This research Annual report of internal medicinereported that riding in a car or breathing unfiltered air increases blood pressure by 4.5 mm Hg.

Researchers at the University of Washington found that the increase in blood pressure from exposure to traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) peaks within 60 minutes and persists for up to 24 hours.

Dr. Joel Kaufmansaid the study’s managing editor, a professor at the University of Washington, an epidemiologist, and an environmental health expert. Today’s medical news:

“Traffic-related air pollution, even at levels currently considered low, appears to cause significant increases in blood pressure. The study design is able to account for all of this by using fake filtration and real filtration, and subjects are passengers rather than drivers. was.”

Dr. John Higginssaid a sports cardiologist at UT Health McGovern Medical School in Houston who was not involved in the study. MNT Research shows that commuters who breathe in unfiltered highway air pollution every day may have dangerously elevated blood pressure throughout the week, and even more so if they drive on weekends. It suggests that there is a sex.

“It was surprising how quickly this caused an increase in blood pressure and how it lasted for such a long time,” Dr. Higgins said.

“Our group has previously shown that exposure to diesel exhaust increases blood pressure,” Kaufman said. It was designed to test these findings in global settings.”

TRAP can include ultrafine particles known as PM 2.5, black carbon, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and other particulate matter.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in the past the study Studies suggest that PM 2.5 particles are associated with a wide range of cardiovascular problems, including:

  • heart attack
  • arrhythmia
  • asthma
  • Other breathing problems
  • premature death

“PM 2.5 particles can penetrate the lining of blood vessels and enter the circulatory system, where they can affect the tone of blood vessels, including the heart and arteriosclerosis.” Dr. Lauren Waldsaid a researcher and professor at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center who studies the cardiovascular effects of air pollution. MNT. “That’s what causes the blood pressure to rise.”

In this experimental study, researchers had 16 subjects, ranging in age from 22 to 45, drive through traffic in Seattle, Washington, for three days.

For two days, unfiltered air flowed into the car. Thirdly, HEPA filter It has been installed.

Study subjects did not know whether their cars were equipped with HEPA filters (which can remove dangerous PM 2.5 particles along with other pollutants) or ineffective sham filters.

Blood pressure was monitored before, during, and for up to 24 hours after the drive.

Dr. Kaufman and his colleagues found that driving in a vehicle equipped with unfiltered TRAP was associated with a significant net increase in blood pressure compared to driving with HEPA on-board filtration.

Researchers said the 4.5 mmHg increase in blood pressure detected was significant. For every 20 mm Hg increase in systolic blood pressure or 10 mm Hg increase in diastolic blood pressure; death Heart disease and stroke rates will double.

Dr. Higgins said the TRAP-related blood pressure increases detected in the study were similar to those caused by poor diet, inactivity, or smoking.

“These are the magnitudes of the effects of things like dietary salt, which is well known to increase blood pressure,” Dr. Kaufman said.

“Elevated blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. While the concern is partly about each individual,[the]impact on the population as a whole is similar. Millions of people suffer from these conditions. The overall effect of being exposed to this will probably affect many cases of preventable stroke, heart attacks, heart failure and kidney disease.”[人口全体への影響も同様です。何百万もの人々がこれらの曝露を受けることによる全体的な影響は、おそらく、予防可能な脳卒中、心臓発作、心不全、腎臓病の多くの症例に影響を与えるでしょう。」[alsotheimpactonthewholepopulationTheoveralleffectofmillionsofpeoplehavingtheseexposuresisprobablyalotofotherwisepreventablecasesofstrokeheartattacksheartfailureandkidneydisease”

The study also demonstrated that effectively filtering cabin air could reduce the impact of air pollution on blood pressure, Dr. Kaufman said.

“Perhaps we need to think about equipping cars and cities with high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to do something about air pollution,” Dr Higgins said.

However, most cars are not equipped with HEPA filters, nor are such cabin air filters available for all makes and models of cars.

“Normal filters aren’t very effective in your car, and you’ll know this when you smell the exhaust fumes from other cars on the road that have bad mufflers,” Dr. Higgins points out.

“Just like your furnace’s in-house filter, it’s a good idea to replace your car’s cabin air filter once a year,” Dr. Wald said.

Dr. Wald says that while a HEPA cabin air filter is ideal, a regular filter won’t cut it, especially if your car’s air conditioning system is set up to recirculate cabin air rather than drawing air in from outside the vehicle. It added that it can remove part of PM 2.5 size particles.

And yes, wearing an N95 mask while driving not only filters out PM 2.5 air pollution particles, but also helps prevent the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19.

The study also highlights the potential health risks of TRAP exposure in people other than motor vehicle drivers and passengers, such as people living near highways, factories, and airports, Dr. Kaufman said.

Dr. Ed Passsaid the cardiologist and senior medical vice president of medical affairs at Hello Heart, an online cardiovascular health company. MNT “There is some clinical evidence that air filtration in indoor environments is associated with the following symptoms:” decrease in blood pressure within 2 weeks. ”

Dr. Wald says homeowners in areas experiencing high levels of TRAP should start circulating air every 15 minutes or so, rather than turning on their blowers only when the heat or air conditioning is turned on. We pointed out that you can increase the efficiency of your furnace’s HEPA filter by configuring your system. .

“A smart thermostat should be able to cycle the system continuously,” he said.

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