Home Fitness Here’s how you could win $2,000 for exercising

Here’s how you could win $2,000 for exercising

by Universalwellnesssystems

This study looked at people who don’t exercise regularly.

SAN ANTONIO — Get paid to work out? UT Health San Antonio We are looking for people who don’t exercise regularly. Rewards up to $2,000.

Until now, there hasn’t been a clear understanding of how exercise improves your deep-seated health. This study aims to change that. And all you have to do is burn calories.

“This is a game changer,” said Dr. Blake Rasmussen, chair of the Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology at the UT Health San Antonio School of Medicine and director of the UT Health SA Center for Metabolic Health. The largest and most expensive study on exercise conducted by the National Institutes of Health“The reason they’re interested in it is because we know exercise is good for your health, but we don’t know all the details about what’s going on at the molecular and genetic level.”

What are the benefits of participating in this study? You may improve your overall health. Of course, you’ll be rewarded up to $2,000 for participating. You may also help researchers understand how exercise reduces disease risk and help doctors prescribe better exercise plans.

“If we can identify pathways that could ultimately be targeted in the future with drugs or medicines or nutrition or something that could positively affect those pathways, we might be able to replicate some of the beneficial effects that we see with exercise,” Dr. Rasmussen added.

So who is eligible?

  • Adults aged 18 or over.
  • People who don’t have diabetes.
  • People who don’t exercise regularly.
  • Participants must be able to participate in an exercise program three times a week for 12 weeks.
  • and people who can attend seven to eleven training visits over a six-month period.

“You’ll be paid a small amount once you’ve been randomly selected to take part in the study, and then you’ll be paid every few weeks as the study progresses, right up until the very end,” Dr Rasmussen said.

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