Home Products Here are the ultraprocessed foods you most need to avoid, according to a 30-year study

Here are the ultraprocessed foods you most need to avoid, according to a 30-year study

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Three decades of research has shown that eating ultra-processed foods is associated with an increased risk of early death, but different foods have different effects.

For example, processed meats and sugary foods and drinks are not associated with the same risks as ultra-processed whole grains, says Ming Yang, associate professor of clinical epidemiology and nutrition at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and lead author of the study.・Dr. Song said.

The study analyzed data from more than 100,000 health care professionals in the United States with no history of cancer, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes. From 1986 to her 2018, participants provided information about their health status and lifestyle every two years.

Every four years, they completed a detailed food questionnaire.

The group with the lowest intake of ultra-processed foods ate an average of about three servings per day, while the group with the highest intake ate an average of seven servings per day. The study was published Wednesday in the BMJ journal.

The data showed that people who ate the most had a 4% higher risk of death from any cause, including a 9% increased risk of death from neurodegeneration.

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A new study shows that meat has a greater impact on mortality risk than many other ultra-processed foods.

Song described the correlation as “moderate” and noted that the relationship is not equally strong among all types of ultra-processed foods.

“This positive association is primarily driven by several subgroups, including processed meats and sugar-sweetened or artificially sweetened beverages,” he said.

The results of this study were consistent with those of hundreds of other studies in the field, but what makes this study unique is that it analyzed different subgroups within the ultra-processed food category. said Dr. Marion Nestle, Paulette Goddard Professor Emeritus of Nutrition, Food Research, and Education. New York University School of Public Health.

Because ultra-processed foods are a diverse category, Song said he would not necessarily advise completely rejecting all ultra-processed foods.

“For example, cereals and wholemeal breads are considered ultra-processed foods, but they contain a variety of beneficial nutrients such as fibre, vitamins and minerals,” he says. “On the other hand, I think people should try to avoid or limit their intake of certain ultra-processed foods, such as processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, and even beverages that may contain artificial sweeteners.”

Many more questions need to be answered when it comes to ultra-processed foods.

First, recent studies are powerful because they cover a long period of time, but they are observational studies. So even though researchers can see a correlation, they can’t say that food is the cause of the deaths, said Dr. Peter Wilde, emeritus research fellow at Britain’s Quadrum Institute for Biosciences.

Researchers also need to further examine the ingredients in ultra-processed foods that may have health effects. The purpose is to advise governments and institutions on how to regulate food, including food additives, emulsifiers and flavorings, Song said.

Researchers also found that the most important factor in reducing mortality risk was a person’s overall diet quality, Song said.

“I don’t think the diet is necessary if people maintain a generally healthy diet. They get scared and startled,” he said. “Overall dietary patterns remain the primary determinant of health outcomes.”

Wilde said a healthy diet includes variety and includes as many colorful fruits, vegetables and whole grains as possible.

Research results show that this diet combined with exercise reduces dangerous abdominal fat.

“If you’re concerned about food additives, choose foods with lower levels of additives,” he said in an email. “Just be aware of the nutritional content of the (ultra-processed foods) you choose to consume.”

It is also important to realize that you need to eat a balanced diet. Fruit juices contain beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants when consumed in moderation, but too much can contain high levels of sugar, which can negate their benefits, says Wilde. said.

“This is not black and white,” he said. “It’s not that a particular food is good or bad; it’s a combination of both, and the balance between the two may be determined by how much you eat.”

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