Home Mental Health Here Are 24 Signs Of Dangerous Stress Levels That You May Not Realize

Here Are 24 Signs Of Dangerous Stress Levels That You May Not Realize

by Universalwellnesssystems


Today is National Stress Awareness Day, and unfortunately many of us struggle with chronic stress.according to Gallup December 2023 According to a poll, nearly half of American adults, 49%, report feeling stressed or lethargic frequently. We know simple ways to manage stress, such as exercising, playing with friends, and continually talking to a trusted advisor or therapist about the issues that are causing conflict, but we know that stress levels are at risk. You may not be aware of the signs that you are reaching heights. , can have negative effects both physically and mentally (can cause psychosis).

Additionally, April is Stress Awareness Month, an important time to highlight the often overlooked signs of dangerously high stress levels, especially among Black women.therapist Niquan Lewis We believe that chronic stress not only causes anxiety and depression, but can also exacerbate other chronic health problems. “People of color are at higher risk for so-called high-functioning depression and anxiety, and although they appear to be more efficient in their daily tasks, behaving in this way is the ‘norm’; We struggle silently, often without realizing it. “High-functioning stress, depression, and anxiety are fueled by the belief systems we’ve been taught, including learned behaviors and generational dysfunction,” she tells ESSENCE.

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“Thoughts and emotions can fuel these behaviors and beliefs, causing us to ignore and ultimately fail to recognize the warning signs of our stress levels.” Lewis also explains how to cope with the dangerous effects of stress. We believe that recognizing these signs is essential to learning and having the necessary open discussions. “It is imperative that we openly discuss stress management in our communities, where stigma around mental health prevents many people from seeking help. High-functioning depression and anxiety are prevalent. “It’s a problem that often goes unchecked because the visible signs of struggle are less obvious,” she said.

megan watsonThe founder and chief psychotherapist of Bloom Psychology notes that the human stress response is an adaptive process designed to help us cope with intense and stressful environments, situations, and experiences. is important. “This is a brain and body response that involves the nervous system, hormones, muscles, psychological and emotional responses, etc. When we experience stress, our brain adapts and copes with what is about to happen. It sends a message to your body to do it,” she told ESSENCE. “For example, if you are in an environment with a toxic or racist boss, your mind and body will trigger reactions such as increased heart rate, sweating, and heightened thinking, as well as emotional responses such as anger, shame, and disappointment. There is a possibility.”

Watson believes that different areas of life can be stressful for different reasons, and there is no black and white distinction when it comes to causes of stress. Examples of these different subsets of stress include racial stress, economic stress, childhood stress, relationship stress, work stress, and physical environment stress.

Stress responses can be acute (immediate) and resolve when the stressor is no longer present (e.g., feeling anxious only during an important exam), or they can persist in response to ongoing and prolonged stressful environments. It is often chronic (long-term). (e.g., a persistent toxic work environment that cannot be escaped). “Resolving chronic stress means being able to close the stress cycle response, which is very difficult for Black women. Black women are people of multiple races, classes, and genders. Because of their crossover, they can regularly find themselves in chronic, long-term stressful environments,” Watson said.

Resolving chronic stress means being able to close down the stress cycle response, but for Black women who may find themselves in chronic, long-term stressful environments on a regular basis, this is very difficult. Intergenerational and intergenerational stress can also weaken our ability to cope with stressors, making the experience of stress seem inevitable and difficult, and endless, prolonged stress experiences can eventually lead to It can have a negative effect on our minds and bodies.

Important signs of stress to look out for are:

  • Pain (such as persistent headaches)
  • Muscle tension that does not go away even with stretching and relaxation
  • Decreased immunity (constantly getting sick)
  • Anxiety and excessive worry (mental fog)
  • Decreased concentration and memory
  • depression or sadness
  • Alcohol or drug abuse (other than for recreational purposes)
  • Changes in appetite and sleep (insomnia, no appetite, sleeping all the time)
  • social withdrawal
  • decreased productivity

This month and beyond, we encourage conversations about recognizing stress, making effective lifestyle changes (coping strategies), and prioritizing mental, relational, and sexual health. Awareness is the first step to change, and by addressing these issues, we can support each other to live healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Additional signs that your stress levels are potentially dangerous include:

Cardiovascular disease: This includes heart disease, high blood pressure, arrhythmia, heart attack, stroke, chest pain, and more.

Obesity and other eating disorders: Emotional eating may increase when stress is high, and if stress causes your mood to get out of control, you may restrict your eating habits to try to control it.

sexual dysfunction: Chronic stress can cause performance anxiety and decreased sexual desire in both men and women, and erectile dysfunction in men.

Gastrointestinal problems: Chronic stress can cause frequent abdominal pain, diarrhea, ulcers, irritable colon, and gastritis, and people often overlook the correlation between stress and these symptoms.

skin and hair problems: Chronic stress can cause acne and hair loss.

insomnia: Chronic stress can affect your ability to rest, make your thoughts cluttered, and keep you up at night. Severe sleep deprivation alone is associated with several dangerous risks, including an increased risk of seizures, psychosis, and mood changes.

Constant fatigue: If you constantly feel tired, even after a full night’s sleep, stress may be draining your energy. This constant fatigue often goes unnoticed because it is thought to be due to a busy lifestyle.

Mood changes: Sudden changes in mood, such as irritability, frustration, frequent crying, and increased sensitivity, are often dismissed as no big deal. However, these may indicate that stress is affecting your ability to regulate your emotions.

Physical symptoms: Regular headaches, sweating, muscle tension, or unexplained pain are your body’s signals that something is out of balance. Chronic stress can also negatively impact your immune system and lead to frequent illnesses.

Mental problems: Difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, and difficulty making decisions can all be subtle signs that stress is having a negative impact on cognitive function. Chronic stress also increases the risk of symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Neglecting self-care: Skipping meals, poor hygiene, and neglecting personal health can all be signs of extreme stress.

isolation: Withdrawing from social interactions, even virtually, can be a red flag, especially if social interactions were once enjoyable. Avoiding friends and family or taking time off from work can indicate high stress.

Loss of enjoyment: It’s a sign of stress if you find it difficult to experience joy and enjoyment in activities you used to do, and you may be left feeling numb.

be overly committed to a task or activity: Being overly involved in work or extracurricular activities is not only productive, but can also be a coping mechanism to avoid dealing with stress.

According to Watson, managing chronic stress (and burnout) is not a black and white process. Everyone feels it differently, but this list is a good way to see if stress is negatively impacting your daily life. Advocating for yourself and consulting a mental health professional who can help you learn skills to effectively heal yourself when faced with emotional and mental stress can be harmful. Essential for learning tools to catch stress and ultimately end the cycle of stress for good.

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