Home Nutrition Her In-Laws Make Every Family Meal Awkward By Trying To Get Their Pescatarian Son To Eat Meat, So She Wants To Call Them Out On It » TwistedSifter

Her In-Laws Make Every Family Meal Awkward By Trying To Get Their Pescatarian Son To Eat Meat, So She Wants To Call Them Out On It » TwistedSifter

by Universalwellnesssystems

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

When you go out for dinner as a family, expect to have multiple people with different dietary requirements.

What if your in-laws continue to pressure your husband to eat meat even though he has been a pescatarian for years?

that’s my wife this story are dealing with them and are thinking of calling them out, but don’t want to cause drama.

Check it out.

My husband (28M) and I (26F) have been married for just under a year.

We’ve been together since college.

I grew up in a pescetarian household and have maintained that eating habit throughout my adult life.

Most people adjust their diet as they grow.

My husband, who grew up eating meat, has always felt insecure about meat himself, and told me that he “tried” being vegetarian for a while when we were younger.

He wasn’t a pescetarian when we started dating (20 years old), but now he’s fully pescetarian (and his beliefs are even stronger than mine!).

It’s been about 5 years since he became a full pescetarian.

His family (relatives and extended family) knows this and we have spent many family meals and holidays together.

They just don’t like his food choices.

What pisses me off is that every time we go to his parents, they still offer him meat and pretend to be surprised when he doesn’t have it.

He has explained to them many times that he “doesn’t eat meat anymore,” but it keeps coming back.

His parents are very young so I don’t think this is a memory problem.

I feel like they are trying to undermine his choices and they are accusing me of this despite the fact that I have never forced or forced him to do this. It seems so!

Oh she knows.

His mother often comments: Really Don’t you eat meat anymore? ”

His parents have no problem accommodating their extremely picky nieces and nephews, but they don’t routinely prepare anything pescetarian (so if they bring side dishes or dishes, we end up You will eat what you bring).

And his parents would say, “Sorry, we didn’t know you wouldn’t eat any food!”

Maybe I’m thinking about it a little bit in my head, but I feel like it’s intentional.

It’s okay to bring food, but of course everyone took from what we brought, and in the end we were left with very few options.

I don’t expect them to change their cooking habits for us, but the comment seems unnecessary.

I would like to have a calm discussion with them about this matter.

WIBTA if we (or I) say something to them about this?

I know their house rules, but I feel like it’s becoming too disrespectful and I don’t want to continue participating.

I don’t expect them to make a full pestalian meal, but I do wish they would stop pushing things on my husband that I know (should) he won’t eat anymore.


Rather than accusing them of being intentionally mean, I’d like to take this issue as a question about what they want her to bring to ensure she has enough food.

Let’s see what people in the comments are suggesting.

Some people say that the husband should handle this issue.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This person also experienced something similar.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

Some say the husband needs to deal with it.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This commenter says that’s definitely intentional.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This person is curious about what her husband has to say about the situation.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

His parents are definitely doing this on purpose.

The question is, why?

If you liked this story, check out this post about a daughter who invites herself to her parents’ 40th anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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