Home Fitness Her Diet and Fitness Habits

Her Diet and Fitness Habits

by Universalwellnesssystems

When it comes to her workout routine, Jessica Biel seems to have the enviable mantra: “Can’t stop, won’t stop.”

The actress regularly impresses fans with videos of her intense sweat sessions and displays laser-like focus while executing difficult moves like one-legged pistol squats.

Apparently, nothing can get in the way of Biel’s fitness goals — even her husband, Justin Timberlake, has been known to dance to make Biel laugh during her workouts.

Wondering where this star’s passion for fitness comes from and how she stays red carpet ready? Read on to find out what the 42-year-old had to say about her workout routine and diet.

Yoga is a big part of her life

Not only does yoga tone and strengthen the body, it also refreshes the mind, which is one of the many reasons Beal was drawn to the practice in her 20s.

“I was searching for my identity as a person, something that defines me,” she said. Women’s Health“And yoga became a space where I could get back in touch with myself and my spirituality.”

The star quickly found a sense of community while attending classes and continues to practice yoga for 20 to 30 minutes each day as time allows.

“It’s become more than just exercise; it’s a stress reliever and a calming force in my life,” she says. “It helps with everything I have to do in life.”

Of course, Beal also enjoys the physical benefits of yoga. Elle It keeps her muscles “long and flexible.”

The actor has tried several forms of yoga, including Ashtanga yoga, which emphasizes synchronizing breath with movement.

“When you put in the effort to learn and memorize all of these movements, you go at your own pace and your own breathing rate while you go through the process, and it puts you in an almost completely meditative state,” she said. self in 2018. “It was a great way to practice yoga at home.”

She loves working out with her husband and sons

Finding the motivation to go to the gym is a lot easier when you work out with someone, and lucky for Biel, her husband is a willing partner to work out with her.

“My trainer and I do a variety of different things, like different circuit training, different types of cardio training, sprints, depending on what I’m working on at the time and what goals I’m trying to achieve,” she said. self 2018.

Mr. Beale Women’s Health She loves working out with her husband and says, “It’s more fun when you do it with someone else.”

The couple’s two sons also occasionally join in the activities.

“We train together a lot,” Beal said. Women’s Health.

The actor’s trainer will be teaching his eldest son, Cyrus, a modified version of his parents’ routine, while his youngest, Finneas, will be stretching and walking on the treadmill.

“He tells Cyrus what he’s doing, Justin’s doing something, I’m doing something,” she said. “We’re all doing it together, so it’s a lot of fun.”

She tries different exercises to avoid getting into a training rut

Although yoga holds a special place in Biel’s heart, she also enjoys experimenting with different workouts. Boxing, martial arts, Snowboarding, hiking more.

“I love doing circuit training and strength training with my trainer. The core stretching and internal breathing that yoga gives you, along with weight training, circuit training and cardio, is the perfect combination for me,” she said. Women’s Health2018.

Her squat game is flawless.

Squats seem to be Biel’s training superpower, with the fitness fanatic demonstrating perfect form time and time again.

In 2018, beer One-legged pistol squat And he performed the difficult move perfectly.

The following year, Beale mastered the skater squat technique, with her personal trainer, Ben Bruno, showing her the move. Instagram She repeated it six times.

“This is just crazy. I didn’t just do this once for a video. This is her 3rd set and I make her do this regularly. I’m honestly surprised she hasn’t fired me yet,” he captioned the post.

She adjusts her training based on her current goals

While Beer certainly has his favorite go-to workout methods, he often changes them up depending on the project he’s working on or the goal he wants to achieve.

For example, when the star climbed Mount Kilimanjaro in 2010 to raise awareness about the global water crisis, he carried a 30-pound backpack and did a fair bit of walking up the slopes.

“I also tried to spend as much time at altitude as possible, which was really important. Altitude affects people in really weird ways,” she said. Los Angeles Times.

Ahead of the 2024 Met Gala, Biel focused on arm movements like triceps pushdowns and lat pulldowns to accentuate certain features with her outfit, plus she packed in plenty of cardio, squats, and lunges before the event.

“The clothes I wear will expose my upper body – my arms, collarbone, shoulders, upper back and lats,” she said. Women’s Health“The emphasis here is just on getting in shape.”

She doesn’t mind staying up late to train.

Beale prefers working out in the morning “so I can get it done quicker,” she said. selfBut she’s not opposed to a nighttime sweat session.

“I’ve been known to be at the gym late at night, even 10 or 11 o’clock at night. Keep in mind, that’s what ‘late’ means to me these days,” she said.

When it comes to training in the evenings, Beale usually opts for circuit training or yoga.

“Sometimes you just have to do it when you can and work it into your schedule,” she said.

She’s obsessed with ‘boring’ but effective fitness tricks

When it comes to fitness, there’s no magic bullet that will get us all in shape, but we can all learn something from Beal’s simple yet smart fitness habits.

“For me, getting enough sleep, drinking plenty of water, eating healthy and avoiding alcohol are essential. I know it’s super boring, but doing these things really helps,” she said. Elle In 2011.

Her approach to fitness has evolved

With age comes wisdom, and Beal has changed his outlook on fitness over time.

“In my 20s, it was all about how well I could bench press and how strong my shoulders were, and now those things aren’t as important,” she said. Women’s Health in 2024. “What’s important to me now is mobility. I don’t want to live with pain.”

For this reason, the actor is a fan of Pilates, which helps build muscle strength and promote joint health.

Her diet is all about balance

Too much of a good thing is never good, Beal said. Los Angeles Times Her diet motto is “balance.”

“I just try to eat healthy. Sure, I have cheat days, I’ll go out for cookies or pizza, and when I’m training I’ll increase my protein intake. I don’t eat a lot for training unless I’m doing something specific,” she said in 2017.

Beale acknowledged that avoiding gluten, wheat and dairy “makes me feel better.”

“My digestion is better, my mood is better and I have more energy,” she said.

She also said she tries to eat a lot of vegetables from her garden and likes to make salads with healthy veggies like spinach and radishes.

“If I’m home for lunch, I’ll run out to the garden and get some leaves and make a quick salad, maybe with quinoa or something. I also like veggie burgers, which you can get at Whole Foods or Erewhon, and I’ll grill them and top them with nuts. And during the day, I’ll snack on gluten-free pretzels with a really good almond cheese dip. It tastes like cream cheese but without the dairy,” she said.

She encourages her kids to eat healthy, but doesn’t push them too hard.

Getting kids to eat fruits and vegetables can be a challenge, but Beal tries to lead by example.

“We all eat healthy. I mean, we try to. But Silas (her eldest son) is a kid, so sometimes he doesn’t want to eat broccoli or spinach. So he’s like, ‘Okay, I’ll have pasta,’ or ‘I’ll have French fries,'” she said. Los Angeles Times.

While Biel and Timberlake are doing their best to encourage their kids to eat healthy foods, they’re not being extreme about it.

“We were talking about it yesterday and Justin was like, ‘Does my kid need to eat more vegetables?'” she said recently. Women’s Health“I thought, ‘Yeah, but everyone needs to eat more vegetables! Everyone in the world.'”

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