Home Fitness Heavy or Light, All Weightlifting Builds Muscle

Heavy or Light, All Weightlifting Builds Muscle

by Universalwellnesssystems

Diego Martin/Stocksey

If you want to gain muscle and strength with as little effort as possible, researchers have good news. Any amount of strength training is beneficial.

That’s the conclusion of a research team that analyzed nearly 200 studies that measured the effects of resistance training, also known as strength training, on strength and muscle mass. The research group found that this type of exercise promoted both components regardless of the intensity or frequency of the exercise, but the effect increased as the amount of exercise increased.

A meta-analysis was published in June. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The researchers hope that the results of this study will inspire people to take up weightlifting and other types of strength training, as good results can be seen with any amount of training. “This approach to weightlifting should be applied to the general population because the majority are inactive and need to gain a lot of strength,” says a board-certified kinesiologist who specializes in the geriatric population. Byron H. Washington II, RKT, Mississippi, is independent. As a result of research, health.

A 2018 study found that only about 40% of adults do strength-building activities like squats, push-ups, and bicep curls. There is evidence that resistance exercise can do everything from improving physical function to reducing the risk of many chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and obesity. Despite that.

Research on the effects of strength training lags behind the effects of aerobic exercise by decades. stuart phillipssaid a kinesiologist at McMaster University and one of the study authors. health.

“I think most of the advice that personal trainers give is a remnant of what they were taught as part of their training. National Strength and Conditioning Association And when it comes to training athletes, it’s different than training “mere mortals,” he said.

Despite the delays, Phillips’ team believed there was enough information on strength training that the time had come to develop what he called “the best prescription.”

“This is something that this analysis does that other of our previous analyzes have not attempted,” he added.

To develop that prescription, researchers analyzed 192 previous studies examining how upper, lower, or full-body resistance exercise affects more than 5,000 adults without chronic disease. did. They increase strength and muscle mass by doing a variety of resistance training, such as using heavy or light weights, doing one to three sets, and exercising one to three times a week. I discovered that

However, the authors determined that certain factors provided further improvement. In other words, those who used heavier weights got stronger and gained more muscle mass when doing multiple sets.

The researchers concluded that “regular engagement” in strength training is more important than “trying to optimize” strength and muscle mass.

The study found that some exercise was better than no exercise at all, suggesting that healthy adults engage in strength-building activities at least two days a week. The authors said this does not prevent providers from promoting existing guidelines for

Rather, their study also shows support for resistance training “below the oft-cited recommended levels,” the authors write.

Phillips said the study shows that you don’t have to spend a lot of money or have fancy equipment to do muscle-strengthening exercises.

“Bodyweight training at home has many benefits. There are tons of free videos on YouTube,” he said, adding that resistance bands are also an option for home training.

“Simple strength training can be very beneficial for seniors and the general public who want to be more active and fit,” Washington echoed.

The bottom line: Whether you’re lifting weights, carrying groceries, or doing lunges and squats, a little effort goes a long way in building muscle.

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