Home Fitness Heatwave: Easy tips to cool down after working out in summer heat

Heatwave: Easy tips to cool down after working out in summer heat

by Universalwellnesssystems

It’s getting hot outside, but don’t use that as an excuse not to exercise. You can always cool down after exercising in the heat.

Temperatures are rising, but don’t let the heat wave stop you from exercising. Whether you run, jog, or do other cardio exercises, be sure to follow the post-workout cool-down method. Fitness enthusiasts will know that cool-down exercises help gradually return heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing to normal levels. But when exercising in the heat, you literally need to cool down. Read on to find out how to cool down after exercising in a heat wave.

HealthShots consulted transformational life coach and fitness enthusiast Vaneeta Batra. He says exercising in the heat of summer may not be the best idea. It puts the body under high stress and can lead to heat-related problems such as dehydration, heat cramps, and heat stroke.

You can enjoy exercising outside even in the heat. Image courtesy of Adobe Stock

I don’t like to use the heat as an excuse, but you should be careful when exercising. Outdoor exercise can become dangerous when temperatures hit 35 degrees Celsius, Batra says. Mild headache and dizziness may occur.

How to cool down after exercising in the heat

Your body needs to recover after strenuous exercise. Here’s what you can do!

1. Drink peppermint tea

In hot, dry climates, drinking a hot drink like peppermint tea can actually help cool you down.

2. stretch

Walk and stretch for at least 10 minutes until your heart rate slows. This can also help you escape the heat, says Batra.

3. Take a shower

After stretching, take a shower. Make sure it’s not cold all the time. Alternating hot and cold water baths after exercise significantly reduce heart rate.

Stay hydrated during your workout.Image credit: Shutterstock

4. Hydration

Drinking water during and after exercise is essential to maintain hydration.
You can also drink coconut water during and after your workout to boost your energy levels, experts suggest.

5. Drink a glass of chocolate milk

Chocolate milk is one of the best things you can have after your workout. Not only is it the perfect drink to cool you down, but it’s also packed with protein and sugar to help your body recover.

Tips to keep in mind when exercising, especially outdoors, during heatwaves

People who don’t like going to the gym should keep certain things in mind while working out in the heat.

1. Exercise early in the morning or late at night

When exercising outdoors, go early in the morning or late in the evening to avoid the hottest parts of the day.

2. Choose the right location

Choose shaded areas for walks and outdoor exercise. Also, wear sunscreen and a hat.

3. Hydrate before you start

Staying hydrated isn’t just about drinking water. If you don’t like plain water, you can consume any form of liquid, including detox drinks. Drink at least 2-3 liters of water every day, even if you don’t feel dehydrated. Avoid alcohol and caffeine during this time.

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