Home Health Care Hearing Wrap Up: CMS Fails to Provide Rationale for Attempting to Rewrite the Law by Expanding Medicaid to DACA Recipients

Hearing Wrap Up: CMS Fails to Provide Rationale for Attempting to Rewrite the Law by Expanding Medicaid to DACA Recipients

by Universalwellnesssystems

WASHINGTON—The Health and Financial Services Subcommittee today held a hearing titled “Why Expanding Medicaid to DACA Recipients Exacerbates the Border Crisis” to Consider the Biden Administration’s Medicare and Medicaid Centers bottom. A proposed rule by Service, Inc. (CMS) that would extend taxpayer federal medical benefits to illegal immigrants benefiting from the Deferred Arrival of Children (DACA) program could help millions It will lead to increased healthcare costs and reduced benefits for Americans. At the hearing, subcommittee members told Dr. Ellen Montz, deputy administrator and director of CMS’s Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, to bring transparency to these rules and how it will affect borders. We asked questions to understand what could exacerbate the crisis.

Important points:

  • The Biden Administration and CMS Willfully Encourage More Undocumented Immigration by Proposing to Expand Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Affordable Care Act (ACA) Market Eligibility to DACA Recipients are doing.
    • Under President Biden, illegal border crossings have reached a record high. In 2022, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported 2.76 million illegal border crossings, more than one million more than the previous annual record.
    • The disastrous policies of the Biden administration along the southern border have already created the worst border crisis in American history. Granting amnesties that strengthen federal benefits for illegal immigrants will only encourage more illegal immigration.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Biden administration are seeking to change the definition of who is “legally present,” but have not presented sufficient justification to rescind previous rules.
    • In October 2022, 5th The US Court of Appeals for the Circuit ruled that the DACA program was illegal, but allowed the program to continue for current recipients.
  • The CMS-proposed rule could increase healthcare costs in federal programs and make access to healthcare more difficult.
    • A study by the Federal Government for Immigration Reform (FAIR) estimated that illegal immigration costs each US taxpayer $1,156 annually. A proposed rule to add about 129,000 DACA recipients to the federal government could add more than $100 million in costs to Medicaid alone and limit access to care for many Americans.

Member highlights:

Dr. Montz of CMS was unable to answer questions from Rep. Glenn Grossman (R-Wisconsin). question As to whether the proposed rule would encourage more border crossings.

Congressman Grossman: “Will this lead to people crossing borders in the future, and crossing borders with children?”

Dr. Montz: “I can only speak to the content of the current law, and the proposed rule would extend medical insurance coverage to DACA recipients and not to other individuals. “

Senator Grossman: “How much do you think this program will cost annually?”

Dr. Montz: “Our proposed rule includes estimates in our regulatory impact analysis. It is estimated that approximately 129,000 people will be insured if this rule is finalized. This equates to approximately 13,000 individuals in 35 states who opted for optional Medicaid and CHIP coverage, and just over 110,000 for market coverage. […] Marketplace coverage is estimated at around 300 million [dollars] per year. “

Rep. Burlison (R-Missouri) noted how the proposed rule runs counter to what President Obama’s own CMS concluded in 2012 that DACA recipients were ineligible for Medicaid benefits. .

Congressman Burlison: “When DACA was created under the Obama administration, he explicitly excluded DACA recipients from Medicaid, CHIP and ACA benefits. Why did he do that?”

Dr. Montz: “I believe the regulations referenced are DHS memorandums and policymaking.”

Senator Burlison: “I don’t know if that’s the answer. They said they issued a memorandum.”

Rep. Virginia Fox, RN.C., emphasized that CMS has failed to justify its attempt to change the definition of who is legally present.

Rep. Fox: “So it’s the considered opinion of the Department of Homeland Security that we can change the definition of who is legal and who is illegal in this country? Is that what you’re saying?

Dr. Montz: “I was unable to speak on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security. It means you are.”

Rep. Fox: “Like we thought the administration had the authority to pay back student loans under a law passed in 2011.”

Subcommittee Chair Lisa McClain (Republican, Michigan) discusses how CMS, despite substantial constitutional and legal issues surrounding the DACA program, suddenly decided to change direction and become a recipient of DACA. who concluded that they should be allowed to participate in Medicaid, CHIP, and ACA programs. burden on American taxpayers.

Chairman McClane: “Dr. Mr. Monts, did you know that in 2022 the 5th US Court of Appeals found DACA illegal?”

Dr. Montz: “We are aware of an injunction against new DACA recipients.”

Chairman McClane: “Did CMS consider at all how external interests to DACA recipients will fuel future waves of illegal immigration?” Was that your position, or yours? Have you decided?

Montz: “DACA recipients have been here since 2007, so I didn’t think there would be any impact.”

Chairman McCrane: “Could you identify the section of U.S. law that provides CMS with the authority to set U.S. immigration policy?”

Dr. Montz: “HHS does not set immigration policy. However, we do have the authority to set the definition of legal presence in relation to HHS’ programs.”

click here to attend public hearings;

read more: McLane Holds Public Hearing on Expanding Medical Benefits for DACA Recipients

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