Home Nutrition Healthy eating: Nutrients women not eating enough of

Healthy eating: Nutrients women not eating enough of

by Universalwellnesssystems

amount needed every day: 750 mcg for adult women.

Foods rich in it: Chicken, eggs, mackerel, mango, papaya, watermelon and other fruits, tomatoes, red peppers, carrots and other vegetables, and cornflakes. 100g of chicken contains 50mcg of vitamin A, 100g of duck contains 69mcg, 100g of cornflakes contains 812mcg, and 100g of red pepper contains a whopping 1,510mcg.

Too good: It can lead to vision changes such as blurred vision, bone pain, nausea, vomiting, dry skin, and sensitivity to bright light such as sunlight.

6. Vitamin B12

Important reasons: Aids brain function, nerve tissue health, red blood cell production, and energy levels. This is related to the production of serotonin, a chemical messenger that maintains a sense of well-being.

Symptoms of deficiency: Fatigue, weakness, nerve damage, megaloblastic anemia, depression, memory loss, dementia.

amount needed every day: 2.4mcg for adult women and 2.6mcg to 2.8mcg for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Foods rich in it: Beef, tuna, enriched yeast, sardines, cheese. 100g of beef contains 5.9mcg of vitamin B12, 100g of tuna contains 10.9mcg, and 100g of cheese contains 1mcg to 3mcg.

too many good things Serious side effects from overeating are rare, but can cause breakouts, rosacea, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

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