Home Nutrition Health with Bec: How a busy mum-of-two lost 17kg  by following a ‘no diet’ diet

Health with Bec: How a busy mum-of-two lost 17kg  by following a ‘no diet’ diet

by Universalwellnesssystems

How a busy mum of two forever ‘bloated and tired’ lost 17kg in 8 months on a ‘no diet’ diet

  • Australian mom Katherine Wood was always bloated after her second pregnancy
  • she tried to lose weight but nothing seemed to work
  • Instead, she decided to try the Health with Bec program, but was “skeptical.”
  • She made a low-carb diet and never felt restricted as if she wasn’t dieting.

An Australian mother of two who felt bloated and tired all the time lost 17 kg in 8 months after following a ‘no diet’ diet.

Katherine Wood from Perth weighs 88kg on the scales and after years of believing her body was a ‘failure’ after previous attempts to lose weight, nothing seemed to work .

The 33-year-old tried fasting, smoothies, a 5:2 diet, and portion cuts, but he couldn’t control his appetite.

“I didn’t enjoy my restricted diet. I couldn’t stop my chocolate addiction and the recipes were uninspiring!” Kat said.

After choosing to try the Health with Bec program, she managed to work towards her weight loss goals and change her relationship with food for the better.

Kat, the Australian mother, spent years believing her body was a “failure” after trying “every diet” and nothing worked.Health with Bec After signing up for the program, she successfully lost 17 kg in 8 months.

“I was nervous about trying something new. "thing" Because I already had very little self-esteem,

“I was nervous about trying something new. I was pretty skeptical because I already felt very little self-esteem and didn’t want to fail at yet another ‘something’.” “She said. To lose weight, Kat swapped out ingredients to reduce her carb intake and make it look like she wasn’t dieting at all.”

“I was nervous about trying something new. I was pretty skeptical because I already had very little self-esteem and didn’t want to fail at yet another ‘something’.” said Kat.

“My biggest hurdle before joining was to wrap my head around the fact that I was raised on homemade pasta, bread, rice, and potatoes as a staple food, so I plan to cut back on carbs.

“I knew that cutting back on carbs wouldn’t make me enjoy my meals or keep me feeling full, but I was quickly overwhelmed by how delicious, hearty, and filling the meals were. ”

To lose weight, Kat swapped out ingredients to reduce her carbohydrate intake, making it look like she wasn’t dieting at all.

“For example, change curry rice to cauliflower rice and eat lean edamame pasta instead of real pasta,” she said.

After completing a three-week body reset program, Kat noticed quick results and decided to join the Health with Bec Tribe. This is a community that maintains momentum and helps women reach their goals.

In addition to focusing on her nutrition, she also exercised five times a week.

How did Kat lose weight?

Kat attended 3 Week Body Reset by Health with Bec

She learned how to watch her diet and switch up ingredients to reduce her carb intake.

For example, she replaced rice with cauliflower rice and pasta with edamame pasta.

In addition to focusing on her nutrition, she also exercised five times a week.

Kat says the “no diet” diet “wasn’t boring,” and her perspective on food changed dramatically.

“I eat to nourish my body, not punish it. I’ve also found that most of my entertainment family favorites can be adapted to match a lower-carb diet.” did.

“I was eating more than I used to. I didn’t feel overwhelmed with any of the meal preparation. And it didn’t ‘feel’ like I was actually on a restricted diet.”

She cooked meals in bulk and froze portion sizes for “nights when I don’t have time to cook.”

After completing the 3-week body reset program, Kat noticed quick results and decided to join Health with Bec Tribe - a community dedicated to maintaining momentum and helping women reach their goals. .

After completing the 3-week body reset program, Kat noticed quick results and decided to join Health with Bec Tribe – a community dedicated to maintaining momentum and helping women reach their goals. .

Today she is happier, has more energy than ever before and has lost a total of 20 kg in 15 months.Not only did her relationship with food change, but so did her relationship with herself.

Today she is happier, has more energy than ever before and has lost a total of 20 kg in 15 months.Not only did her relationship with food change, but so did her relationship with herself.

Today Kat is happier, has more energy than ever before and has lost a total of 20 kg in 15 months.

“I’m full of beans! I’m training five times a week and I feel strong. I have a lot less puffiness around my abdomen and face and I’m celebrating my body instead of avoiding it,” she says. I got

“I don’t feel bloated anymore, my digestion is better, my cycles are calming, my sleep is improving, and the way I used to talk to myself has dramatically improved.”

It changed not only my relationship with food, but my relationship with myself.

“My inner voice is much kinder than before and my self-worth continues to improve!” she said, and has ambitions to be a great role model for her children.


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