Home Nutrition Health benefits of Sorghum

Health benefits of Sorghum

by Universalwellnesssystems

many People are guilty of taking supplements indiscriminately. Did you know that taking too much vitamin C can increase the amount of oxalate in your urine and increase your risk of developing kidney stones? All of these vitamins are in our food. Your doctor will determine if you need supplements. I would like to add to what I said last week about ofada rice. Some have been processed to be similar to polished rice. The only way to enjoy all the benefits is to eat the original. It takes some effort to remove the stones, but my joy is that every part of the grain I talked about last week is still intact and not robbed of the popular Ofada flavor. Thing.

This week we will be talking about another grain of the millet family known as sorghum or guinea pig. They are called Okababa (Yoruba) and Dawa Jero (Hausa). An excellent source of vegetable protein. In fact, it provides just as much protein as quinoa, a grain notorious for its high protein content. Eating a diet rich in these antioxidants can help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Provides more than a gram of fiber. A fiber-rich diet can help with weight control, lower cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar levels, and prevent constipation. For those looking for a gluten-free grain (gluten is a group of proteins found in certain grains that give foods their elastic quality and structure), sorghum is a very healthy option. Sorghum can replace gluten-containing flour in baked goods such as , cookies, and other desserts. ), all of which are beneficial to health.

A compound in sorghum called 3-deoxyanthocyanidin (3-DXA) is present in darker and to a lesser extent white varieties. Scientists at the University of Missouri tested black, red, and white sorghum extracts and found that all three extracts had potent antiproliferative activity against human colon cancer cells. Scientists at the University of Nebraska observed that sorghum is a rich source of phytochemicals and decided to study its potential to manage cholesterol. healthy fats found in cereal grains significantly reduced “bad” (non-HDL) cholesterol in hamsters fed a diet containing 0.5% sorghum lipids. ranged from 18% in hamsters fed a diet containing 5% sorghum lipid to 69% in hamsters fed a diet containing 5% sorghum lipid. Good (HDL) cholesterol was unaffected. The researchers concluded that “cereal sorghum contains beneficial ingredients that can be used as a food ingredient or dietary supplement to manage cholesterol levels in humans.”

Joseph Awika and Lloyd Rooney of Texas A&M University conducted an extensive review of the many studies related to sorghum and concluded that sorghum phytochemicals “may have significant effects on human health.” rice field. In particular, they cited evidence that sorghum may reduce the risk of certain cancers and promote cardiovascular health.

The focus is on grain, but I want to talk about leaves. It is called “popolo baba” and can be purchased from women who sell medicinal herbs at the market. The leaves are mainly composed of carotenoids, flavonoids and phenolic acids, with small amounts of chlorophyll, lycopene and beta-carotene. The leaf fatty acid profile revealed a predominance of palmitic, stearic, oleic, and linoleic acids, each representing more than 5% of the total identified fatty acids. It is cooked (add spices of your choice while cooking) and drunk as a tonic for anemia and general lack of vitality. Crimson is used to dye baskets, goat skins, basket weave materials, textiles, grass mats, wool, mud houses and body paint. The leaves add flavor and give Waakye (a local dish of rice and beans cooked in red sorghum leaves) a distinctive reddish-brown color. The leaves are used in combination with his three additional botanicals of Phytomedicine Nicosan, approved in Nigeria for the treatment of sickle cell disease. A popular blood tonic was also developed from the leaves.

Let’s see more of its advantages:

  • Contains energy-boosting nutrients
  • May improve bone health
  • Helps fight inflammation and cancer.
  • rich in antioxidants
  • Digested slowly, this slows the rate at which glucose (sugar) is released into the bloodstream.
  • Suppresses cancer growth.
  • One of the most prominent micronutrients in sorghum is iron.
  • May have cardioprotective properties.
  • Helps with weight management

A study by Abugri et al. Consumption of a controlled diet provides natural antioxidants. An essential fatty acid that can fight cardiovascular-related diseases.

In a study by Temidayo Oladiji et al. titled “Antianemic Potential of Aqueous Extract of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench Stem Bark in Rats”, the results showed that administration of the extract reversed the anemic state in an iron-deficient group. made it clear. It therefore lends credence to its use in folk medicine in the management of anemia.

In a study by Olawole et al. entitled “Pretreatment with Fermented Sorghum Diet Provides Protection Against Hyperglycemia-Induced Oxidative Stress and Suppressed Glucose Utilization in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rats,” sorghum diet intake was associated with hyperglycemia and oxidative stress. It may protect against damage and thus may serve as a functional food for the management of diabetes mellitus.

In a study by Yingying Zhu et al. titled “Antioxidant and anticancer effects of proanthocyanidin-rich extracts from three types of sorghum (sorghum bicolor) bran,” the results showed that sorghum bran is a natural proanthocyanidin extract. indicates that it may be a valuable resource for It has antioxidant effect and HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma) preventive effect.

In a study by Pamella Cristine Anunciação et al. We have come to the conclusion that something has been proven. Obesity in overweight men.

You can cook grains like you cook rice or quinoa. Can be used as a gluten-free flour in most recipes. Put the grains in a hot pan and watch them pop like popcorn. It is also converted into syrup used to sweeten many processed foods. Like other grains like oats, flaked sorghum is delicious both as cereal and in baked goods. It’s not a bad idea to use it for

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