Home Nutrition Health Benefits of Cashews: Protein, Good Fats, Fiber

Health Benefits of Cashews: Protein, Good Fats, Fiber

by Universalwellnesssystems

Cashew nuts are one of the most decadent nuts. Perhaps the gourmand is used to seeing cashews in nut samplers and gift boxes for him. They’re rich and creamy, which explains why cashew-based milk, yogurt, and ice cream satisfy in a way similar to the fan-favorite oat milk. No need to. These tiny nuts contain a long list of beneficial nutrients, so it makes sense to incorporate them into your regular meal plan.

Eating more cashews is easy. A perfectly delicious snack in itself. Or, you can always combine cashews with fresh or dried fruit, raw vegetables, and cheese to make one midday grazing board. Can be added to or used as a base for sauces. Explore vegan recipes such as nacho cheese, sour cream, and mac n cheese to see how dairy-based ingredients can be replaced with nutrient-rich cashews ( People with milk allergies or lactose intolerance will rejoice!). Other ways to enjoy these kidney-shaped nuts include blending them into smoothies, sprinkling them on oatmeal or yogurt, mixing them into cashew butter, or incorporating them into recipes such as cashew chicken.

When buying cashews at the grocery store, choose raw cashews whenever possible. Salted and roasted cashews are a delicious snack, but they can be high in sodium, sugar, and/or added fat. If you choose raw cashews, they can be soaked, toasted, and even seasoned however you like.

As plant-based superfoods, nuts and seeds fall under the protein food group and can be an important part of a balanced diet. . Here are all the healthy reasons cashews should be one of them.

Health benefits of cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are rich in protein.

Since protein is an essential macronutrient, getting enough of it daily from a variety of food sources is non-negotiable. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein for the average healthy adult is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Mayo Clinic Health SystemProtein requirements vary widely based on weight, activity level, age, gender, etc., but a typical RDA is a minimum of 46 grams per day for women and 56 grams per day for men. 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Snacking on cashews or adding them to your diet is an easy way to meet your protein needs.One ounce (about 18 cashews) provides 5 grams of protein. USDA dataThis corresponds to approximately 11% of the protein requirement for women and 9% for men.

Cashew nuts contain healthy unsaturated fats.

If there is one nutrient that cashews are known for, it is healthy fat. refers to These are two of the healthiest types of fat as they help lower cholesterol and keep your cells healthy. National Library of MedicineOne serving of cashews contains 6.75 grams of monounsaturated fat and 2.22 grams of polyunsaturated fat. Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats, making cashews an excellent source. old research Since 2004, cashew oil has been found to be the nut oil with the highest amount of omega-3s.

You don’t have to eat large amounts of cashews to reap the benefits.in fact they should do it enjoy in moderation. They’re high in “good” unsaturated fats, but they also contain some saturated fat, about 2.21 grams per serving. A diet high in saturated fat can raise cholesterol levels. Harvard Medical Schoolso a small amount is enough.

Cashew nuts are good for heart health.

One of the biggest reasons to eat healthier fats, especially cashews, is their heart health benefits. “Cashews contain heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats,” explains the registered dietitian. Kim Krupp, RD. “Using cashews instead of starch, which is high in sugar and low in fiber, It is shown It lowers “bad” LDL cholesterol, a type of cholesterol that contributes to heart disease. ”

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and people with high cholesterol are at higher risk, he said. CDCCashews are a great way to include cashews when creating heart-healthy meals and snacks.

Cashews support brain health and mental health.

From salmon to nuts, eating foods rich in omega-3s is smart for brain health. Omega-3 fatty acids are positively associated It keeps the circulation, structure and function of the brain healthy, promotes blood flow to the brain, supports white and gray matter density, and reduces and boosts the development of neurodegenerative diseases. cognitive function, reduces inflammation. Cashews are also used to increase and enhance levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin (which stabilizes mood, promotes well-being, regulates sleep, aids digestion, and plays an important role in many other functions). It is an excellent plant source of the amino acid tryptophan, which is essential for

Cashews are part of a gut-healthy diet.

Never underestimate the importance of eating for a healthy gut. A healthy gut means that your gut microbiome (the microbes in your gut) is made up of more good than bad bacteria. means that there is It also means you’re more likely to absorb more nutrients from food, which is linked to everything from digestive and immune health to mood and inflammation. Thing is, it provides moderate amounts of fiber, anti-inflammatory plant compounds called polyphenols, and contributes to gut health by adding variety to your diet, creating a diverse and active gut microbiome.

They’re also a source of prebiotics that probiotics (the actual microbes in your gut) feed on, says Krupp. It’s a type of carbohydrate that acts as a tic and nourishes good gut microbes,” she explains.According to research Incorporating more prebiotic foods into your diet increases the variety of these microorganisms, improves immune function, and reduces inflammation that can lead to disease.

Cashews keep you satisfied for longer.

If you find yourself feeling hungry even after eating a snack or meal, it’s a good sign that the foods you chose didn’t have the right combination of nutrients to keep you feeling full and satisfied for a long time. Part of the nutritional power of cashews is their ability to keep you feeling full. While carbs are often associated with increased energy levels, protein is what makes you feel full (and adding a little fiber means your body digests and processes that snack a little more slowly and steadily. increase). old research High-protein foods such as cashews have been found to make you feel more full than foods rich in fat and carbohydrates. [healthy] say weight management Amy GorinRDN, Registered Dietitian.

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