Home Nutrition Heading for the beach? Doctors advise against bringing these five foods

Heading for the beach? Doctors advise against bringing these five foods

by Universalwellnesssystems

Memorial Day weekend sees thousands of tourists and locals flock to beaches across New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, marking the unofficial start of summer.

Many people pack coolers full of food and drinks to eat while enjoying the sand and surf.

but, Doctors issued a warning in a TODAY.com article. Beach-goers should avoid packing certain foods in their coolers.

“The last thing people need is to get home and then have to remember their beach trip because they got sick,” said Dr. John Torres, senior medical reporter for NBC News. today.

Here are five foods doctors recommend not taking to the beach.

— Cold cuts and deli meats that require refrigeration.

— Fresh salads and vegetables that may be contaminated with Salmonella or E. coli.

–Mayonnaise-based foods, such as potato salad and macaroni salad.

— Raw meat intended for the grill is left out at different temperatures before being barbecued. This is not the best idea because it poses the risk of bacterial growth.

— Pre-cut fruit can transfer bacteria from the fruit’s surface to the flesh, where bacteria can grow and multiply, especially in hot beach weather.

The article quoted Torres and the UDSA on safety precautions for food brought to the beach.

— Perishable foods should not be left out of the refrigerator for more than two hours, or more than one hour if temperatures are above 90 degrees.

— When packing, remove foods from the refrigerator or freezer and place them in a cooler immediately. Try to keep foods refrigerated until you are ready to eat them.

— Pack only what you plan to consume to avoid leftovers.

— If you bring raw meat, season it at home, wrap it tightly and store it somewhere where dripping juices won’t get on other foods, such as in the bottom of a cooler.

— Pack drinks in a separate cooler from food to reduce how often food is exposed to warm temperatures.

— Fill your cooler completely and add ice as needed to keep the contents colder for longer.

— If you’re cooking on the beach, bring a food thermometer.

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