Home Fitness Have You Seen This? Fitness-focused kitty could be the perfect workout companion

Have You Seen This? Fitness-focused kitty could be the perfect workout companion

by Universalwellnesssystems

Gym — It’s that time of year again. It’s a time to reflect on what you accomplished last year and set some goals for how you can improve going forward.

I’m not talking about New Year’s resolutions. I’m talking about the yearly attempts to follow through on the resolutions we made in January after failing, or to put it politely, not hitting the mark completely. May is the perfect time to start pursuing new goals and re-energize for summer. Especially if, like me, it’s been a long-standing desire to exercise more.

Any psychologist or personal trainer will tell you that having a training buddy is key to forming new habits. It might be easy to hit the snooze button, but do you really want to keep your friends on the line? Busy work and school schedules can make it difficult to sync with your favorite gym buddies. That’s why this treadmill-using orange cat from St. Paul, Minnesota, may be the answer.

I can’t think of a better way to start the day than pedaling on a stationary bike or lifting weights with my furry friends.

However, when I tried this at home, my cat became much more interested in staring at the dirt on the floor before curling up next to the window for a mid-morning nap.

Therefore, your results may vary.

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