Home Mental Health ‘Have to be really intentional’

‘Have to be really intentional’

by Universalwellnesssystems

Zendaya admitted that she’s learning to overcome her tendency to “isolate” herself from the world.

Zendaya finds support network from friends, family and therapists

Despite being a top Hollywood star, Zendaya is a self-proclaimed recluse who struggles with mental health issues.

In a new interview variety In a post released on Thursday, June 7, the 27-year-old actress spoke about her insecurities, saying, [she] I “arrived” at the interview.

“I think sometimes people look at me and assume I am a certain way,” she began.

but Euphoria The actress explained that when she’s “not working” – when she’s “isolated from the world” – she’s a completely different person.

“My therapist, my family, my friends all say, ‘You need to get up and go outside,’ but I never want to,” she admits, before explaining, “But when I force myself to do it, I realize it’s actually a good thing. It makes me feel less anxious. I have to be really intentional about taking care of myself.”

Zendaya continued, “I’m learning to take more responsibility for myself and my body and take care of everything. Sometimes you just have to get out of bed and tell yourself, ‘Today is a day. I’m going to take a shower, put on some clothes, and get some sunshine.’ I try to give myself little challenges.”

of The Challengers “I’m just learning the importance of breathing exercises and meditation,” the star admitted.

“I’d been living and working on sets since I was a kid, and for me it was just out of reach. I just kept running, running, running. I feel like I’d held my breath for so long,” she recalled.

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