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Harvard researchers developed a pill that can reverse human aging

by Universalwellnesssystems

Life depends on the storage and transmission of information. In complex creatures, this information exists in two major forms: genome and epigenom. Genetic information has hardly changed throughout his life, but epigenom is dynamic and responds to environmental factors and aging.

Aging is the results of various biological processes, such as genetic mutation, cell damage, and loss of epigenetic information.

Researchers have gathered powerful evidence that cells lose their epigenetic instructions, resulting in a change in gene expression, which leads to the loss of cell identity. This process promotes many aging diseases, such as neurodization, metabolic disorders, and cardiovascular diseases.

Cell aging and re -programming

One of the characteristics of aging is the aging of cells where cells stop division. Aging cells contribute to tissue dysfunction by releasing inflammatory molecules and active oxygen species and accelerating aging processes. Factors such as DNA damage, shortening telomeres, and oxidative stress are important targets for potential age -reversing therapy.

An NCC reporter system for monitoring cell aging. The NCC reporter system is integrated into human fibroblasts. NCC signal of stationary fibroblasts. (Credit: Journal Aging)

The ability to reset cell age without causing harmful mutations and cancer has been around for a long time. Early experiments in the 1960s show that adult cell nuclei contains all the information necessary for creating new organisms.

This idea is when a researcher identifies the group of four transfer factors (OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and C-YC (OSKM)) that can convert adult cells into derivative pluripotent stem cells (IPSC). I got a traction. These IPSCs are converted into any cell type to enhance the possibility of rejuvenating aging tissue.

However, the early experiment using OSKM caused concerns. When expressed at high levels, these factors caused untrolled cell growth and led to the formation of tumors. In subsequent research, a safer approach was found. Use the three factors (OSK) correction sets or apply OSKM with a short burst.

This method succeeded in rejuvenation of the tissue without causing cancer, and recovered the functions of organs such as optic nerve, kidneys, and muscles.

Refreshing brake through for chemicals

The genetic approach indicates that it is promising, but it is still a challenge to safely distribute OSK to human tissue. The current method includes the introduction of genetic substances via a viral vector or a lipid nanoparticle. Both have drawbacks including high cost and potential immune reactions. Scientists are looking for chemical alternatives. This is a small molecule that can imitate the effect of OSK without changing the DNA.

Harvard University researchers recently achieved a large milestone in this quest and released their discoveries. Journal aging。 Using the high -loopput screening method, we have identified six compounds that reverses the cell aging of humans and skin cells in mice. These compounds recovered the youthful gene expression patterns and reversed biological age within a week.

“This is a break -through,” said Dr. David Sync, molecular biologist. Harvard University School of Medicine Research co -author. He believes that these discoveries are important steps for “rejuvenation of the whole body of affordable prices”.

The team adopted two cutting -edge technologies to measure aging: transcription -based aging clock and nuclear cell compartment (NCC) assay. NCC is a basic cell process that declines with age and contributes to the dysfunction of the tissue. By restoring the NCC, researchers effectively reversed the important markers of aging.

Partial re -programming through OSK improves the characteristics of cell aging.
Partial re -programming through OSK improves the characteristics of cell aging. (Credit: Journal Aging)

The effects of compounds were comparable to one -year regenerative treatment from 2019 research, which focuses on the restoration of epigenetic information. “This new discovery is an application from improving vision to the effective treatment of aging diseases, providing the possibility of a single pill reversing aging,” Synch Rare predicted.

Contrary and future issues

Despite the excitement surrounding the survey results, some experts will be careful. The biological director, Matt Queberlin, acknowledged the possibility of screening, but claimed that the study did not have sufficient verification of animal models. He emphasized the need for further research to demonstrate the actual benefits, such as health and extension of life.

Dr. Charles Brenner, a researcher of metabolism, raised concerns about three compounds out of the three studies that prevent glycogen metabolism. Tranylspromin, an antidepressant. Valproic acid, bipolar disorder treatment due to potential liver toxicity.

“These compounds are generally not safe,” said Brenner. He also states that a similar chemical approach had been investigated early in 2013, suggesting that the study was completely groundbreaking.

The re -programming of small cocktails recovers the change in NCC of aging cells.
The re -programming of small cocktails recovers the change in NCC of aging cells. (Credit: Journal Aging)

Despite these criticisms, this study represents an important step toward the development of actual age -reversal. Chemical re -programming can provide more secure and easy -to -access alternatives in genetic intervention, restore youthful diseases, and open a way to fight age -related diseases.

The idea of ​​”Youth Fountain” has attracted humanity for centuries for centuries. There is no myth in spring to stop aging, but science is now approaching to unlock the biological mechanism that controls longevity. The dream of reversing aging with continuous research may be a reality someday.

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