Home Mental Health Good omen… How horror films can be good for your health and REDUCE stress

Good omen… How horror films can be good for your health and REDUCE stress

by Universalwellnesssystems

Written by Cameron Charters

00:52 October 31, 2023, updated 02:14 October 31, 2023

  • Research reports that cult horror classics such as ‘The Shining’ release powerful chemicals

Horror movies may get your heart racing, but experts claim that making you jump and wince could be good for your health.

Research shows that tense scenes from cult horror classics like The Shining and The Exorcist release powerful chemicals in the brain known to reduce stress.

Dr Kristen Knowles, a neuropsychologist at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, said horror movies help produce endorphins and dopamine, chemicals associated with happiness and stress relief.

She told the Herald:

Research shows that tense scenes from cult horror classics like The Shining (pictured) and The Exorcist release powerful chemicals in the brain known to reduce stress.
Horror movies provide a safe way for people to experience fear because the objects of fear are simplified in movies than in reality.The photo is a scene from “The Exorcist”

“The body’s response to fear and anxiety increases the production of stress hormones such as adrenaline, which mobilize the body’s energy resources.

“This involves increased heart rate and concentration.

“Once that tension is released at the end of the movie, it all feels pretty exhilarating.

“When you do this safely, you feel good simply because it’s a thrill. Think of skydiving as a similar activity that can be scary and euphoric at the same time.”

Endorphins are used by the body to make us feel pleasure and reward.

It is produced by the brain not only when you eat or exercise, but also when your body feels pain or stress, such as when you watch a scary horror movie.

Dr Knowles added that horror films are a safe way for people to experience fear because in movies “the object of fear is simplified than in reality”.

She added: “Through this safe interaction, we can learn how to cope with negative emotions and develop resilience to fear and stress.”

Her ideas are supported by a 2012 study from the University of Westminster. The study showed that watching a 90-minute horror movie and enjoying a short walk burns the same amount of calories.

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