Home Medicine GLP-1 drugs are reshaping food spending habits, study finds

GLP-1 drugs are reshaping food spending habits, study finds

by Universalwellnesssystems

Many consumers spend a lot of money on both food stores and fast-food drive-throughs by glp-1 injections such as Semuglutide, Ozen Pick, Wegovy, Munjaro, Zepbound, and Zepbound products. It has come.

STACEY LEASCA “Food & wineResearch at Cornell University It turns out that at least one GLP-1 user has greatly reduced food expenditures. This paper used data from molecules that surveyed 150,000 households on GLP-1 drugs and food purchases. According to a survey, “Recruiters reduced food expenditures by 5.5 % in the first six months, but high -income households were” significantly reduced, average 8.6 %. ” “

In addition, researchers observed the decrease in purchasing ultra -processed foods such as “snacks, sweets, and other items with high calorie density” and “impulse purchase”. In addition, spending a meal away from home, including fast food and coffee shops, has decreased. On the other hand, this study pointed out that nutritional concentration options such as yogurt, fresh agricultural products, and nutrition bars are most affected.

This raises doubts about how the brand approaches product development according to changes in consumer behavior, but reflects a wider range of trends. As the supporters of these drugs often emphasize, it seems that health, health, and better general sensations are increasing -it is worth celebrating.

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