Home Mental Health Girls were almost twice as likely to receive mental health care as boys | National News

Girls were almost twice as likely to receive mental health care as boys | National News

by Universalwellnesssystems

The gender gap in teenage mental illness observed worldwide, adolescent girls report higher rates of mental health problems than boys in most countries.While the size of the gender gap varies greatly from country to country, research suggests that wealthier Western countries Poor mental health outcomes, wide gender gap than in low- and middle-income countries. In the United States, 65% of her teens who received mental health care were female, and only 35% were male.

While explanations of the gender gap are common, inconclusiveresearchers hypothesize, can be partially explained by what adolescent girls are experiencing. Disproportionately high rates of sexual violence compared to boys. Sexual violence and trauma are factors that significantly affect psychological health and well-being.

However, some studies caution against taking the reported high incidence of mental health problems among teenage girls at face value. Her 2022 study, published in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, found a teenage boy. Symptoms are often underreported They suffer from mental illness and act out of action instead of internalizing their emotions. The report notes that masculine socialization is often at odds with inner emotional reflection. The findings also suggest that adolescent girls receive more mental health treatment and diagnosis than boys.

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