Home Health Care Ghana Faces Court Challenge Over Ban On Celebrities Advertising Alcohol

Ghana Faces Court Challenge Over Ban On Celebrities Advertising Alcohol

by Universalwellnesssystems
FDA Headquarters in Ghana

Ghana banned alcohol advertising by celebrities in 2015, but a music promoter is challenging the government in court for the “right” to promote various brands.

Predatory commercial exploitation that facilitates harmful activities has been identified by UNICEF and the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the two major crises threatening the health and future of children in countries.

Another major crisis is the climate emergency, which is rapidly threatening the future survival of all species.

“Companies make huge profits by selling products directly to children and promoting addictive and unhealthy products such as fast food, sugary drinks, alcohol, and tobacco; All are major causes of non-communicable diseases (NCDs).” UNICEF and WHO wrote in lancet.

They advocate for alcohol marketing restrictions to protect children.

But celebrities are accelerating their promotion of alcohol. Jennifer Lopez, Ryan Reynolds, Dua Lipa and Emma Watson are some of the many celebrities who have signed sponsorship deals with Big Alcohol and their own alcohol brands.

They promote alcohol through their social media channels, reaching millions of children and young people.

David Beckham embodies the conflict between promoting children’s rights, health and development, on the one hand, and making money by advertising and selling more alcohol, on the other.he is both UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and Collaboration with major alcohol company Diageo.

The harm of alcohol in Ghana

In Ghana, a West African nation of 33.5 million people, the dispute is playing out in public, with music producers suing the government to overturn a 2015 ban on alcohol promotion by celebrities.

Celebrity alcohol advertising is prohibited in Ghana, so children and young people are more protected from alcohol advertising by local and international celebrities than children in other countries.

Ghana’s Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), the regulatory agency tasked with implementing and enforcing the ban, has faced opposition from some prominent Ghanaians.

2016, according to WHO data, 74% of the adult population has refrained from alcohol in the past year. However, Ghanaians who consumed alcohol (mainly men) consumed large amounts of alcohol. Approximately 7% of men had an alcohol use disorder, and each man consumed an average of 13 liters of pure alcohol per year.

Almost half of boys aged 15 to 19 According to UNICEF in 2021, people who consumed alcohol in Ghana in 2016 fell under the category of binge drinking. Situation of youth in Ghana report.

Adolescent drug use, particularly tobacco and alcohol use, is a public health concern associated with chronic health problems later in life, particularly non-communicable diseases (NCDs).

Ghana is facing Increasing burden of NCDs These include diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke, among others, which health experts associate with unhealthy eating, smoking, alcohol use, and lack of exercise.

Alcohol abuse has serious consequences for both the drinker and the community.

common sense limits

In 2015, the government decided to take steps to impose common-sense restrictions on the sale of alcohol, and the Ghana Food and Drug Authority (FDA) announced a new law aimed at protecting children from the misconception that alcohol is dangerous. , prohibiting celebrities from promoting alcoholic beverages. common and useful.

While most Ghanaian celebrities abide by the ban, there are notable exceptions who have spoken out against it, including Wendy Shay, Shatta Wale, Brother Sammy, Kuami Eugene and Kamido.

They already utilize other forms of alcohol promotion, such as depicting alcohol in music videos and movies. They have spoken out against the ban and are using their considerable platforms to campaign against it.

In November 2023, the Supreme Court heard about the incident The lawsuit was filed by music producer Mark Darlington-Osae, co-founder of the Ghana Music Alliance, against the Ghana FDA in an effort to overturn a ban on celebrities promoting alcohol.

He argued that the ban discriminates against celebrities and is discriminatory and unconstitutional.

Celebrity opponents of the policy argue that it does not discourage consumption, but only limits income.

On May 8, the Supreme Court again postponed the verdict in the case.

This problem is not new in Ghana. This issue was discussed in his 2017 and his 2009. Lawmakers ask regulators introduce measures to Reduce alcohol advertising to protect children.

Governments, civil society and community groups across Ghana want to protect children and young people from exposure to celebrity alcohol, and some celebrities fully support the ban.

Predatory behavior or creative freedom?

Celebrities marketing alcohol brands is nothing new in Ghana or around the world.

“In 2018, it was estimated that around 40 celebrities were affiliated with alcohol brands; now there are even more.” 350 Celebrity Affiliated Brands all over the world,” he wrote. Chanel Wilson “Cloakie”.

As celebrity-led alcohol promotion proliferates on digital platforms, alcohol brands are finding easier, bespoke and less harmful ways to directly reach susceptible and vulnerable young people.

Not only in Ghana, but across Africa and around the world, the alcohol industry is investing in leveraging more celebrity endorsements to promote alcohol brands, and the return on that investment – alcohol sales, consumption. , needs an increase in profits.

For countries like Ghana, this means increased harm and costs from alcohol.

Given the context of Ghana’s developmental and public health challenges, celebrities may be using their platforms to educate and spread health-promoting messages rather than engage in “predatory commercial exploitation.” There is a gender.

Ghana may be an example of what countries can do. Better, internationally coordinated, government-led alcohol sales, independent of the alcohol industry, to better reflect community standards and stop alcohol promotion attacks on children and at-risk groups. Regulation is necessary.

Labram Musah is Vision of Alternative Development (VALD), Ghana.Valdo By advocating for comprehensive policies on tobacco, alcohol, sugar-sweetened beverages, climate justice, road safety and general health and wellbeing, we promote alternative approaches and support development at all levels of society.

Kristina Superkova is the International President. mobendi internationalis a global movement based in Sweden with 150 member organizations in 60 countries committed to progress through alcohol prevention.

Image credits: Artem Labunsky/Unsplash.

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