Home Mental Health Game On: Online Gaming Networks’ Influence on Mental Health & Social Connections

Game On: Online Gaming Networks’ Influence on Mental Health & Social Connections

by Universalwellnesssystems

summary: A new study explores the complex intersection of online gaming, social connectivity, and mental health. By analyzing the social structure of an online soccer simulation game site, researchers reveal how factors such as social support, sense of community, and symptoms of depression influence social interactions over time. to

Gamers who experienced more online social support or lacked real-world support were more likely to engage with other members.

This research highlights the powerful role that online gaming can play in shaping mental health, providing not only a source of entertainment but also a potentially supportive community.

Important facts:

  1. Online gamers who have more social support within the gaming community, or who have less actual support, are more likely to interact with other members, highlighting the social importance of online gaming. increase.
  2. Players who reported a strong sense of community within gaming sites were more likely to form communication ties and discuss real-world issues, highlighting the potential of online gaming communities to build social connections.
  3. Gamers with strong symptoms of depression are less likely to initiate communication over time and need more formal support structures, such as telemedicine mental health care options, within these online environments. is shown.

sauce: Texas A&M

Playing some kind of video game is commonplace for millions of Americans.

Gaming is a welcome form of entertainment and relaxation for many, and the Internet has even made gaming a social activity. are raising concerns about this pastime.

These possible negative effects may also contribute to anxiety and depression in some people, and gaming can have varying effects on social connections.

New research published in sociological focus Based on existing research suggesting the importance of social connectivity and support for online gamers.

In this study, Dr. Tyler Prochnow and Megan Patterson, Ph.D., Department of Health Behavior, Texas A&M University School of Public Health, and colleagues at the University of North Carolina and Baylor University used social network analysis to determine the effectiveness of online gaming at two time points. The social structure of the site.

The purpose of this analysis was to see how social support, sense of community, and symptoms of depression affect social connections over time.

The research team analyzed a social network of members of an online soccer simulation game site, surveying members at the beginning and end of the game’s season.

In this game, players play as the head coach of a soccer team, competing against other members of the site over ten months. Members can communicate directly with each other through the site’s forums, chat, and direct her message features.

“We wanted to showcase the community building and informal relationships that are built through these online settings,” said Prochnow.

“Many people find a sense of community, support and comfort through online gaming. We need to do a better job of measuring and cultivating these connections to improve mental health in today’s digital age.” I think you have to.”

There were 37 members who responded to the survey initially and 40 members who responded last, with 30 members represented in both samples.

Researchers collected data on age, gender, other demographic factors, and the number of hours members spent on gaming sites and other video games. Members also completed survey items about their ability to talk to someone about their depressive symptoms and problems.

The researchers also asked members to list people on real-life and gaming sites with whom they’ve discussed important life issues.

Research has shown that there is a correlation between the strength of social networks and depression, with the stronger the social networks, the greater the chances of finding support. Informal social networks, such as those found in online games, can play an important role in coping with stressors and seeking formal help for anxiety and depression.

This, coupled with the finding that people turn to social networks for help when in trouble, makes this study even more relevant.

This study found that social support, sense of community, and depressive symptoms influenced changes in the social structure of the game over time. Researchers observed that people who reported more social support online and less real-world support were more likely to reach out to other members.

They also found that communicative links are more likely to form when communication is reciprocal or transitive (including three groups or clusters). Additionally, players who spent more time on the site were more likely to have communicative connections.

Researchers also found that members who reported feeling a greater sense of community and valued being part of the site were more likely to form communicative relationships over time.

In addition to being more likely to connect, these members may feel more comfortable having conversations about real-life issues.

This demonstrates the importance of a sense of community in online gaming sites. However, online communities have some drawbacks, including the potential for sites to act as political and ideological echo chambers.

The study found that members with less actual support were more likely to form communicative connections, whereas members reporting greater depressive symptoms were less likely to send communicative connections over time. Please be careful.

This may indicate a need for more formal support for members experiencing depressive symptoms, including telehealth mental health care options.

The findings reinforce existing research on the relationship between mental health, social support, and online gaming, and point to the need for further research into the complex relationships in these areas.

Further research on these domains and their interactions will help improve social connections and mental health in socially isolated communities and in times of social isolation, such as the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. intervention.

About this mental health and social neuroscience research news

author: Leslie Henton
sauce: Texas A&M
contact: Leslie Henton – Texas A&M
image: Image credited to Neuroscience News

Original research: closed access.
Dynamics of Online Game Network Communication, Depressive Symptoms, and Social Support: A Longitudinal Network Analysis” By Tyler Prochnow et al. sociological focus


Dynamics of Online Game Network Communication, Depressive Symptoms, and Social Support: A Longitudinal Network Analysis

Despite concerns about social isolation and depressive symptoms, video games are a part of everyday life for many Americans. Preliminary research suggests that online connectivity can help gamers make up for the lack of real-life (IRL) support.

This longitudinal social network study investigated the social structure of online gaming sites and how social support, community awareness, and depressive symptoms are related to communication.

Online gaming site members (N = 40) reported usernames of other members who spoke about online and IRL support, community awareness, depressive symptoms, and important life issues. IRL and online social support, sense of community, and depressive symptoms have had a significant impact on the changing structure of online gaming networks over time.

These results are timely given the social isolation and mental health impacts associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Where real social support is lacking, exploring ways to build healthy online connections through gaming could be a path to greater social support.

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