Home Fitness Functional Bodybuilding Coach Wishes He Knew This When He Started

Functional Bodybuilding Coach Wishes He Knew This When He Started

by Universalwellnesssystems

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Marcus Philly It was a mainstay of the CrossFit Games until recently. safe and sustainable training it will be possible Long-term strength and muscle growth: what he calls functional bodybuildingIn a recent video on his channel he shares some of the lessons he learned along the way and some things he wished he had understood sooner. An early point in your fitness journey.

“From baseball, soccer, and golf to bodybuilding and CrossFit, I’ve been down a lot of rabbit holes in fitness,” Philly says. By avoiding some of the mistakes we’ve made so far, we can do it much faster and easier.”

His first suggestion is to focus on your goals and avoid what he calls “shiny object syndrome.” “I wanted abs, I wanted to be good at soccer, I wanted to learn Olympic lifting, I wanted a huge bench press…but that was a lot in too many areas at once.” If we focused on one thing at a time, we could go further and faster.”

Second, Filly recommends training hard enough to reach your goals. “One of the hardest things he learns in strength training is the right amount of effort,” he explains. “Too little and you waste time, too much and you risk injury and poor recovery.”

Third, and finally, the importance of making sure you’re eating enough to support your hard work at the gym. “One of the biggest mistakes I made was restricting my calories to a severe deficit while trying to build lean muscle,” Philly says. In some cases, the calorie deficit becomes part of the process, but you shouldn’t remain calorie deficient forever, at some point you’ll need to eat enough to build muscle and strength. increase.”

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