Home Fitness From testosterone to mental fitness: A comprehensive guide to men’s health | Life-style News

From testosterone to mental fitness: A comprehensive guide to men’s health | Life-style News

by Universalwellnesssystems

For men, the path to optimal health includes physical vitality, mental resilience, and emotional balance. As you navigate the complexities of work, relationships, and personal growth, a solid guide to men's health is not only valuable, but essential.

Dr. Disha Sheth, an internist at Ruby Hall Clinic, said men are more likely to suffer serious injuries because they work in high-risk occupations such as construction and the military. He added that men also have higher rates of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), which lead to cardiovascular disease, as well as obesity. “But of all these factors that affect men's health, the most overlooked are chronic depression and anxiety.”

Dr Suprakash Chaudhary, Professor and HOD of Psychiatry, DPU Private Super Specialty Hospital, points out that societal expectations and biased gender roles make it difficult to limit men to the stereotypical description of an emotionless breadwinner. He said that men do not suffer from mental breakdowns or nervous breakdowns. He wants to be seen as weak or “not manly enough,” and says, “Men are far less likely to talk openly about mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety, and downplay their symptoms.” There are many things to do,” he added.

Dr Tejas Gundewar, Head Male and Female Fertility Consultant at Ruby Hall Clinic, explained: Regular prostate and testicular examinations This is especially important as men age. Discuss the appropriate timing and frequency of screening with your health care provider.

Dr. Sheth said a correlation between declining testosterone levels and the onset of midlife crisis and depression in middle-aged men is now being established. “There is also evidence that mood disorders (including depression and anxiety) are associated with sexual dysfunction in men. Sexual dysfunction can lead to depression due to the negative psychological burden associated with it. .”

Celebration benefits

How can men manage their testosterone levels?

1. Exercise is important: Exercise regularly with a well-balanced combination of aerobic exercise and strength training

2. Maintain ideal waist-hip ratio. As belly fat increases, levels of the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen also increase

Experts break down the hype around weight loss drugs that are used indiscriminately and cause side effects Do regular, evenly balanced cardio and strength training (Image via Canva)

3. Diabetes prevention/management: People with diabetes are twice as likely to have low testosterone levels

4. Get enough sleep: Disturbed and fragmented sleep, especially during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase, bodes badly for the body's testosterone levels

5. Avoid tobacco and alcohol: Substance abuse has the strongest correlation with decreased testosterone levels.

6. Avoid excessive stress: Learn how to better cope with the inevitable daily stressors of everyday life

7. Eat delicious food: Eat less refined and processed foods and rely more on natural protein and fiber sources.

How can men take care of their mental and physical health?

a.Regular health checkup: Men should prioritize consistent health checkups, including screening for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, prostate health, and more. Early detection greatly increases the potential positive outcome.

b. Balanced diet and exercise: It is essential to practice a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet and regular physical activity. This helps maintain a healthy weight, supports cardiovascular health, and contributes to overall well-being.

c. Mental health awareness: Recognize and address mental health concerns. Men should be mindful of their mental health, seek support when needed, and strive to de-stigmatize discussions about mental health.

d. Limit substance use: Excessive drinking and smoking can have negative effects on your body. men's health. Avoiding or limiting these substances can reduce your risk of a variety of health problems, including liver disease and certain cancers.

e. Safety measures: Practice safe habits at work and during recreational activities. Wearing protective equipment, following safety guidelines, and using caution in potentially dangerous situations can help prevent injuries and long-term health problems.

f. Stress management: Adopt stress-reducing habits like mindfulness, meditation, or taking up a hobby. Managing stress is very important for mental health.

g. Reproductive health: Men should take care of their reproductive health, including fertility. Consulting with a health care professional can provide advice on family planning and addressing fertility concerns.

h. Bone health: Testosterone levels decline as we age, making it important to maintain bone health. Adequate calcium intake, vitamin D, and weight-bearing exercise support bone density. Periodic bone density testing may be recommended.

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Date first published: March 12, 2023 09:30 IST

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