Home Nutrition From Nuts to Protein Snacks, 4 Foods You Think Are High Protein but Aren’t

From Nuts to Protein Snacks, 4 Foods You Think Are High Protein but Aren’t

by Universalwellnesssystems
  • Protein has grown in popularity since the mid-2000s, in part because of its link to weight loss.
  • Products labeled “high protein” may not contain as many macronutrients as you might think, said one nutritionist.
  • Similarly, foods like nut butters, which are often considered good sources of protein, don’t contain as much.

High-protein foods are becoming more popular, but according to nutritionists, not everything you might guess is actually a rich source of macronutrients.

Protein is one of the three macronutrients that make up all our food, along with carbohydrates and fats.

It’s essential for overall health, but it’s especially important for active people and those with pre-existing medical conditions. Fat loss or muscle building goalsAids in muscle recovery and growth, You feel full, so you feel fullAdults in the United States are recommended to consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Protein has been growing in popularity since the early 2000s, writes food historians, after studies suggested it could help with weight loss. conversation, leading to the rise of high-protein diets. The global market for protein foods is projected to grow from $52 billion in 2020 to more than $70 billion by 2025, according to a market data firm report. Statista.

Growing interest in protein has led some food companies to add protein “High Protein” label to their products. However, such foods are not always really that high in protein and often come with hefty price tags on their labels. Graham Tomlinson told an insider.

Similarly, many whole food What people think is a good source of protein is actually not as rich in macronutrients as they would like.

But there is nothing wrong with these foods. “There is no ‘bad’ food, but it is not dense in protein relative to the amount of energy it contains.” High in energy and low in protein is a problem simply because it is no longer protein dense.Here’s the point. ”

A post shared by Graeme Tomlinson (@thefitnesschef_)

for protein hitsfocus on foods such as Greek yogurt, lean meats, and eggs.

Tomlinson shared four foods that aren’t as protein-rich as you might think.

1. Nuts

Nuts are a nutritious food fiberin addition to supporting a healthy gut microbiome, healthy fatthat’s why As reported by Insider’s Gabby Landsverk.

According to Tomlinson, they’re also a source of protein, but you’ll need to eat quite a lot to get enough of the macronutrients.

“Nuts have a fair amount of protein, but they’re also high in calories,” Tomlinson said. is also included.”

according to US Department of AgricultureA serving of nuts is 1 ounce or 28 grams, which is equivalent to a handful.

This may not be a problem for everyone, but lack of calories To lose weight, it may be helpful to be careful with portion sizes.

However, research suggests that our bodies don’t absorb all the calories in nuts, and they may be 15-25% lower in calories than previously thought. Insider Hilary Bruck reported.

2. Protein snacks

According to Tomlinson, there are many so-called protein snacks available in grocery stores these days, but their marketing can be misleading.

He uses the example of a protein bite brand that is popular in the UK, where he is based.

“Despite lauding these as protein snacks, the reality is that for 132 calories you’re getting a pathetic 4 grams of protein.” You should eat more protein.”

A post shared by Graeme Tomlinson (@thefitnesschef_)

Similarly, some “protein” nut bars contain about 250 calories and only provide about 10 grams of protein, says Tomlinson. For comparison, 100 grams of chicken breast contains about 110 calories and about 25 grams of protein.

Remember to read the nutritional information before purchasing.

3. Protein bagels and bread

From bread to bagels, bread products labeled as “high protein” often contain little more than their “regular” versions.

Tomlinson gives the example of thin protein bagels.

“At 8 grams of protein per 160 calories, it seems like an OK deal.” , is it really worth switching out your favorite regular bagel?

4. Peanut butter

Peanut butter provides healthy fats, energy, and protein, but like whole nuts, it’s not as protein-rich as many people would expect.

“Has been hailed as the best healthy food of the 2010s and also praised by many as a high-protein snack,” Tomlinson said. It’s the same: high in calories and not dense in protein.

15 grams (about 1 teaspoon) of peanut butter contains about 4 grams of protein and 95 calories.

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